Chapter 6 || I'm Pregnant? ||

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Ally's POV:

I woke up and for some reason I felt really sick, I went to the bathroom and I was throwing up.. but what's weird that I was throwing up Blood, and it really smelled awefull! While I was still in the bathroom, I heard two feet coming upstair's. I look up and see.. "Ally?" Trish asks worried. "Ally, why are you throwing up? Are you feeling OK?" Trish asks me again. I smirked. "I-I don't know.. I woke up and for some reason I found myself throwing up in here.." I reply. "Let's go get you to see a Doctor!" Trish yells. "Trish, I'm fine!" She grinned. She touched my forehead and I was heating up. "Ally, your not fine at all! Your heating up! We have to get you to see a Doctor!" I rolled my eyes and agreed with her. "Come on! Let's go!" She yells. I nod.


At the Hospital

Trish's POV

"OK Ally, just write down your name here and w'ill wait until the nurse calls us!" I tell her. She rolls her eyes and did as demanded. "Trish, I know what I'm doing.. this isn't really my first time here, so just calm down.." She tells her. "Ugh, fine!" I yell. "Thanks" She says while hugging me. I hug back.


Ally's POV

"Ally Dawson?" The nurse yells. "Yes? I'm here!" I yell back while standing up. "Come this way Miss Dawson." She said. "Alright" I reply. "You may lay on this bed until I test you and I'll tell you the results.." She says. I nod.

30 minutes Later..

"Alright, let's see your res-." She paused. "Well Miss Dawson. It seems like your Pregnant! Congrats!" She applauds. I was shocked at first, but I was excited! "Oh my god!" I cry happily. "I'm pregnant!" I scream. "Woah! Calm down, there Mrs Moon!" Trish smirked. "But Trish I'm preg-." I paused. "Did you just call me Mrs Moon?" I asked. She nodded. "Yup! Remember when Austin first proposed to you?" She says. "Yeah" I reply. "Well you will be Mrs Moon soon!" She squealed. "Okay Trish, take it easy!" I say excitedly. "Okay Miss Dawson.. Come back in a month and I'll tell u the gender!" The nurse tells me. I nod. "You may leave now" The nurse says.


Outside the hospital

Trish's POV

"I'm so excited!" Ally squeals. "Me too! I'm so happy for you!" She yells happily. Ally frowns. "What's the matter?" I ask her. "What am I supposed to tell Austin? What if he leaves me because I'm fat.. what if he leaves me, if he doesn't want to be a fath-." I paused her. "Ally! Stop thinking about all these bad things! Think of the future! You and Austin will live happily ever after! You guys are made for eachother! Austin won't leave you because your fat.. He loves you Ally. Trust me! He'll also be happy because I know he's gonna be a great father and your gonna be a great Mother!" I tell her. She nods. "Thank you Trish! For everything!" She says while hugging me. I hug back.



Yay! Ally is pregnant! We're having Auslly babies!!!! :D Comment and Vote please! :D

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