I Just Want Everything To Stop

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Maya wiped her lips and looked at her best friends, holding hands like they always do anymore.

"Hey, guys, what's up?"

Riley and Farkle shared a look.

"You tell us kissy face?" Riley asked with a widening smile.

Maya sighed. "I was- We were just- um.. He, uh, fell off a sheep."

"Maya?! That was my secret shame!" Lucas yelled out.

Farkle blinked. "Whatever that means. Is Lucas your boyfriend now? Because if he is I need to have a talk with him." Farkle glared at him and stepped forward, but he was still holding Riley's hand so she pulled him back towards her again.

"Farkle, be nice."

"I am gonna be nice." Farkle flashed a fake smile. "I am just going to inform Lucas that we love Maya and if he hurts her I will kill him and chop him up into a thousand little pieces."

Lucas chuckled. "You think you-"

Farkle let go of Riley's hand and quickly got in Lucas' face. "You may have a lot of muscles, but I have a lot of crazy! I can assure you that I will find a way to kill you if you ever hurt her."

Lucas stopped chuckling and got serious. "Relax." He glanced over at Maya. "I could never hurt her."

Maya smiled at him.

Farkle nodded, stepped back to Riley, then he grinned. "Good."

Riley grinned widely. "Yay! Peaches, now we can double date with our boyfriends."

Maya's smile fell. "You sure Riles? You don't think I'll steal Farkle? Or maybe I'm just using Lucas to make Farkle jealous? But then again why would Lucas even want to date me, I'm not you. I'm not smart, or pretty, or nice." Maya snapped. They all stared at her in shock and concern. "Whatever, I'm out."

Lucas opened his mouth to say something, but she walked away.

"What was that about?" Farkle asked looking at Riley.

Lucas tuened to face them and crossed his arms over his chest. "Yeah. I'd like to know too."

Riley looked from one boy staring at her to the other. Lucas seemed upset, but Farkle seemed confused and concerned.

"I accused Maya of being jealous that you picked me." Riley admitted looking at Farkle.

Farkle frowned. "Oh." He licked his lips and sighed then he looked over at Lucas. "We better go find Maya. You don't know her that well yet, but she's about to get into some kind of trouble."

Lucas' glare disappeared and he snapped his attention to Farkle.

Without waiting for Farkle he walked off to find Maya.

"Farkle, are you mad at me?"

Farkle looked back at her. "I'm sorry, Riley, but I am mad." He said then he walked away.

When Lucas found Maya she was in an empty classroom writing something on the board. He grabbed her hand to stop her then he started earsing it.

"Are you crazy?! You can't write that in school!" He yelled at her.

Maya turned on him. "Yes! I am crazy! Don't you see that?!"

He put the eraser down and pulled her away from the board. "You are not crazy, you're sick."

"Yeah, sick in the head." She scoffed shaking her head.

Lucas took her arms in his hands. "Maybe, but you can't let it control you. Maya, I know what's going on with you and it's okay."

She looked up at him. "You don't know me! You know nothing!"

"I know you're sick and I know you beat it!" Lucas yelled to try to get through to her. "You're stro-"

"No! I'm not! I'm broken! I'm weak! I'm unwanted!"

"I want you!" He yelled moving his hands from her arms to her face. "Maya, I want you. Stay."

Maya moved his hands away from her face and shook her head. "No, you don't. You just feel sorry for me. You're a good guy."

"You found her." Farkle said walking into the room. "Maya, what did you do? I know you're upset, but getting in trouble doesn't fix anything. You can't-"

"I can't be fixed, Farkle! I'm broken!" She let tears fall.

Farkle walked closer, so he was standing beside Lucas. "No, you are not. Why are you talking-"

"Yes, I am! You and Lucas and Riley need to understand that! You can't fix me! You can't help me! I am who I am! I'm broken!"

"Maya? Don't talk like that, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say you were jealous of me and Farkle." Riley said walking into the room.

Maya shook her head. "Forget it. I don't care. Just leave me alone." She went to the back door, but Lucas rushed over and grabbed her. He lifted her up and took her back over to her friends.

"I am not happy. Put me down."

"Only if you promise not to try to leave again." He stated seriously.

"Fine. I promise."

He put her down and she huffed.

"Maya, what is going on with you? You say I don't understand and you're right, but only because I can't understand what I don't know. So tell me, please." Riley begged in front of her.

Maya frowned. "I don't know, Riles. How can I explain when I don't know. I always feel like this and I don't know why and I hate it, but I can't make it stop. I just want everything to stop." She cried. Riley wrapped her up in a hug. "Please, make it stop."

Lucas and Farkle watched feeling awful for they girl they love, in different ways, but they love her.

"What's going on in here?" Cory asked walking into his classroom and over to his daughter. "Why is Maya crying?" He glared at the two boys. "What did you two do?! I knew it was too soon for boys!"

"Daddy, no. They didn't do anything." Riley defended.

"Sir, Maya needs help." Lucas said worriedly, glancing over at Maya still in Riley's embrace.

Farkle nodded with a frown on his face. "She's anorexic."

"It might be more than that." Lucas stated sadly.

Cory stared at the boys, then he looked over at Riley and Maya. He sighed and shook his head while staring over at them.

"I should have noticed that there was something wrong with her."

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