Return part 2

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Bam! Bam! Bam! Three bullets struck the bullseye hard from 50 yards away. Bam! Bam! Bam! Again with same precision. “Why? Why of all the places Chaos asked me to go, it had to be there?!” ,Murlin asked himself furiously as he continued to fire at the targets. Murlin was 6’1” with bleach blonde hair. He was built strong and slightly beefy. He was dressed in steampunk. He had a brown rawhide trench coat with welding goggles suction-cupped to his forehead. He wore a maroon tank top and black worn-out pants. In his hands he gripped a pair of modified  silenced, long range sigs. Right now he was in a particularly foul mood. His employer and boss was sending him to a place he never wanted to go back to. A place of bad memories. He stalked over to a work table in a corner and looked at the piece of machinery on the table. He pointed his pointer finger at where he was connecting one piece to the main body. His finger lit aflame and he melded the two pieces together.

Several hours later:

Murlin sat down with a heavy sigh. His face, hands and splotches of his clothes were covered with grease and oil. He wiped his face with a cloth and looked at a pocket watch he had. It read 11:35. ‘Dang. Probably should start heading out towards that frickin place’ ,he thought as he got up and walked to a wall and pressed an invisible button. To his left, a section of the wall about 12 feet across opened up. In its place was a wall of guns. Ranging from rocket launchers and machine guns to small pistols such as the Akdal ghost and the desert eagle. Murlin strode to the wall and grabbed an Akdal ghost TR02 9mm and slid it into the holster on his thigh. He then grabbed an AAC Honey Badger and slung the gun across his back. He pushed the hidden button again hiding the gun wall. Murlin then walked to the north wall and pushed a button on the side. To his right the garage door opened to the outside world. He then strode to a 1973 triumph x-75 motorcycle and sat on it before revving the engine and roaring onto the street and heading towards the blasted place he hated.

In the middle of a desolate canyon:

Shadows surrounded where a lone person was walking. Upon closer inspection, you would be able to tell that the figure was female. She wore a black tank top and some black jeans which hugged her figure. Her long dark brown hair cascaded down her back barely making it to the top of her rear. Her eyes were as cold and lifeless as a shadow casted stone and face emotionless as a totem pole. Her skin white like freshly fallen snow. She had a cloak around her shoulders shielding her from any discomfort. She looked up at the slowly lowering sun and heaved a sigh in annoyance. “I suppose I should start heading for that camp.” ,she spoke to herself before starting a run and disappeared into the shadows as they closed around her.

Somewhere in the south of Canada:

In a skeletal Forest near Québec, light footprints could be seen even with the light snowfall. A beautiful woman with auburn hair in jeans and a white sweater gracefully walked across the frozen ground She was barefoot yet the cold did not seem to bother her at all. As she walked, ice spread from her footprints outwards. The woman squinted at the sun before smiling. It was time. She quickened her pace as she walked and a blizzard soon consumed her. Not a minute later, the blizzard dispersed and there was no sign of the woman.

Throne room of olympus:

The Olympian council sat in their thrones bickering like children. To no notice of the gods and goddesses, a nightmarish black and white portal opened up and a hooded figure stepped out. “Well this is depressing” ,the figure’s rich smooth voice carried through the room. Zeus stood up and glared at the daring figure. “Who the hades are you?! How dare you interrupt a meeting of Olympus?!” ,he thundered (Pun intended). The hooded figure merely lowered her hood to show the face of one Chaos. “That would be me, great grandson” ,she smirked. Zeus shrank back in his seat. “I have bad news for you gods. A creature of immense power has chosen you to be his target for the first step in destroying this planet. With your forces now, you have no chance. However, I am willing to lend a little help. Let's just say that some personal friends of mine will be arriving at your children's camp around noon tomorrow. Now I must leave. So ta” ,Chaos said amused before disappearing in a miniature black hole. The gods looked at each other in fear and apprehension. ‘This won't be good’ ,ran through each ones minds.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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