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Mikey's POV:

"That concludes our lecture on Race and Racialization." Professor Coons declared. Everyone began to pack up, a wave of chatter began to flood the room and students filled out of the lecture hall. I packed up my books and stood up.

"Mikey, walk with me to next class?" Emilee's sweet voice called, as she put her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her and smiled.

"Sure." I didn't see what everyone else saw when they looked at her. I mean, what was so good about her? What was the big hype over Emilee? I didn't want to hook up with her. Perhaps I stood apart from everyone else, in that sense. In fact, I stood apart from everyone else in every area in life.

"Thanks, Mikey You're, like, the sweetest guy ever!" She squealed, linking her arm with mine. Come on, give me a break. One, that's not true. And two, how many guys have you even said that to? But the biggest question was, why was she so obsessed with me? I wasn't exactly your ladies' magnet. We began walking to next class.

"So, your friend Bryce..." she began, a smile stretching ear to ear. "is he single?" I rolled my eyes. Well, there's my answer, she's using me to get to Bryce. Typical.

"Yes." I answered annoyed. "Why?"

"Oh I'm just wondering. I mean, he's super cute!" She blushed.

"Yeah, if your into that type, sure!" I laughed. She giggled.

"Your just jealous of him because he can get any girl he wants."

"No!" I blurted out defensively. "I can get any girl I want to. I'm not jealous of Bryce. No way." Well, I kind of lied. I'm jealous of him, but not because he can get any girl he wants, but because of his looks. She shot me an "oh really?" look shook her head. We entered the classroom and sat down. She sat down beside her group of girl friends and began to gossip. I sat down across the room beside my friend Andrew.

"Hey bro." He said, without lifting his gaze up from his phone.

"Hey." I took my books out and put them on the table in front of me.

"I seen you walked to class with Emilee again." He smirked, sliding his phone into his pocket. He glanced across the room, admiring the group pf girls.

"Yeah." I replied, looking smug. "She's super hot."

"I know!" He agreed. I don't know why I feel the need to lie to my friends about stupid little things like that, but that's just who I am. I feel like I need to try super hard to fit in.

"She was asking about Bryce."

"Lucky SOB. He gets all the girls." Not sure why Andrew was saying this as he gets just as many girls as Bryce.

"So do you man." I reminded him. He shrugged.

"I guess."

"Hi Class!" Our teacher walked in and grabbed a seat.


I got into bed and plugged in my phone. I clicked on Instagram and scrolled through the feed. Why Bryce? I asked myself. Besides the fact that the guy is a literal knock out I mean, what's so good about him? I went to his profile and stalked him. Girls, girls, girls, that's all I could see. Lucky them. I got to a selfie of him. He looked really good. I couldn't stop staring at it. My eye's lingered on his biceps and down to his v-line. Okay, maybe that's why. I thought to myself. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. Average build, brown hair, soft features, brown eyes. All so boring and bland, no wonder why I'm seen as the "approachable friend." I groaned and got back into bed and fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I rolled over and grabbed my phone. Time to get up. I got up, showered, got ready and headed to the school for class.

I stopped at the cafeteria and grabbed some breakfast. My buddies Nick and Andrew joined me.

"I'm so tired." Andrew groaned. "I'm so happy it's Friday."

"I know, right? Finally." Nick replied, chomping away on his breakfast.

"You boys coming to the party tonight? It's gonna be lit." Andrew asked.

"For sure! I'm in need for some drinks... and girls of course." Nick laughed. Why are boys like this? I'll never understand, but for now, I'll just pretend.

"Right?" Andrew smiled. "Your coming too Mikey, I'm not letting you miss another party." He said, turning to me. I stabbed my pancake with my fork.

"Do I have to?" I let out a sigh. Andrew put his hand on my arm. I felt an electric shook shoot down my arm. I shrugged his hand off.

"Yes you do. Come on buddy." He begged.

"Fine, ok, fine." I caved in. How bad could it be?

"Great. See you there. It's at Ryan's house? You remember where that is?" Andrew asked, getting up and pushing in his chair.

"Yeah." I replied. How could I forget that place, last time I was there I made a fool of myself which is why I do not go to parties. 

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