The bounty hunter

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hey guys my first story not edited so tell me what u think x

The loud clatter of cups and male voices bounce around the room as I served the lanky structured man that was in front of me. He wore a neat black business suit his brown hair combed back adding to his buisness man look. I raised an eyebrow at him

'whats a man like you doing in a bar like this?' I commented while closing the draw with my hip. After heaving a long sight he replied

'Just need a drink.' I smirked

'People, especially humans don't come to a supernatural friendly bar just for a drink' I pointed out. He opened his mouth to reply when a crash sounded from the otherside of the room. If you hadn't worked it out by now at supernatural bars things get a little roudier then a human bar and I was the owner for a reason, my name was Kate Anna-Marie Smith and standing at 5'9 I towered over most woman. My long blond hair was tied up and the skinny jeans and tank top I wore fitted comfortably and thats the only reason I wore them. My beloved twin swords sat strapped across my back... and yes you did here me right even a snow leopard shifter needs more protection incase I couldn't shift in time. It also helped scare most customers so they didnt cause too much trouble but obviously it didnt work this time from the sounds of growling from across the room. Striding towards the growling I relised it was that shewolf Veronica again, god I hated her but she was on her last strike anyway so I wouldn't be seeing her anytime after this. Two men stood glaring at each other dishes and plates smashed around them and that pissed me off.

'Lets show them who's boss' my snow leopard minx growled.
'No, remember what happened last time' I shot back at her, a flash back appered of having to close the bar for refurbishment lets say the fight went a little wild.. I always did hate werebears.

Standing in front of the two fuming werewolves I yelled
'What is going on here and Veronica If I hear you are the reason your out!'
one of the men with blond hair shot his glare over towards me

'it wasnt her fault this arsehole grabbed her butt!' the man roared in outrage. Obviously he was the current boyfriend. I pointed a finger at him scowling

'look I dont give a fuck who started it but if you fight take it outside...and before you go I want £50 for the broken plates' I continued turing back to Veronica my hands back on my hips

'And your out! You've have five strikes my bar isn't fighting pit for you're lovers'

Veronica scowled storming over to her blond boyfriend and started to drag him out. Blocking there path I held out my hand causing the blond to grumble and pull out £50 before the couple stormed off. The other blacked haired werewolf sat down abruptly holding his hand to his arm. His arm had been stashed open. I knew he would heal quickly so grabbed a bandage from the first aid box chucking it at him, he caught it with this good arm grumbaling a thanks then proceeded to storm out. With a roll of my eyed I walked to the bar and noticed the wide eyed buisness man still sat at the bar trying to speak.

' that n..normal?' he stuttered

'Yep' was my abrupt reply. After paying for his drink, he quickly rushed out of the front door. I sighed knowing I wouldn't be seeing him again, damn and he looked like a money spender. (buys alot to drink)

'Well thats what you get for running an supernatural bar, regular fights and a lot of swearing' I muttered it was just another normal day for me

Heyyyy hope u like it sorry it was alittle rushed x Ill do more next time also I need help coming up with a title the plot is about a girl who is a bar and bounty hunter but everything goes wrong when she meets her mate, the beast lord and her past catches up with her help me find a title please x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2014 ⏰

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