Author's Note

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Hey, there guys! This is Margarette. You can call me Margz. I write these Toby, Riley, Connor, and BYE imagines. I am @dauntlessmcdonough, in case you did not know. Sorry for not updating on Riley! I assure you I will have this thing posted within the week. If not, then I will post two times next week or maybe more if I get inspired and not lazy to write a new thing.

This next imagine I am making will be inspired by my favorite book and movie for this year. It's no other than THE FAULT IN OUR STARS. In short, TFIOS. Btw, go watch it now! It's pretty awesome. But I recommend that you should read the book first which is by John Green. It would be awesome that even when you see the movie, you could still shed some more tears even if you will know what would happen to them.

It will be inspired from that movie but no, I won't let Riley die Okay? Okay.

I hope you guys will enjoy this next thing. I will be updating every week if I can. I am really sorry for forgetting to update. I am really forgetful, lazy, and having lack of inspirations and stuff.

Be insane and awkward!


Riley McDonough ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now