Blue eyes vs Stardust part 2

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Dedicated to Lone_Warrior_1999

Last time on her cold love
"I synchro summon my AZURE SILVER EYED DRAGON and then my BLUE EYES SPIRIT DRAGON, now Yusei it's your turn you better have a few tricks up your sleeve or your going down" Y/n tells Yusei while his two dragons roar at Yusei.

Yusei P.O.V
'Man I'm backed into a corner here, Y/n got two dragons infront of me while I only got Junk Archer but it's to weak against Y/n dragons' "it's my move i draw" I draw my card and looked at to see that can be a big help.

"From my hand I summon the level 1 tuner Effect veiler" a guy with green hair and white angel wings appear next to my Junk archer on the field.

"From my hand I summon the level 1 tuner Effect veiler" a guy with green hair and white angel wings appear next to my Junk archer on the field

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"Is this what I think it is?" Y/n asked in shock and surprise in his voice while his eyes still glowed dark blue.

"Clustering wishes will become a new shining star! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Take flight, Stardust Dragon!" My ace monster appears on the field and roars at Y/n dragons which both roar back at stardust.

Stardust Dragon Level 8Atk points: 2500 Defs Points:2000 Monster Type: Light dragon

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Stardust Dragon
Level 8
Atk points: 2500
Defs Points:2000
Monster Type: Light dragon

"It's seems we are in a stand still Yusei" Y/n tells me in a neutral tone which had me confuse for a moment and then it hit me even with stardust I can only destroy one of his dragons but stardust would get destroyed aswell and then on Y/n next turn he could attack me with the dragon that wouldn't get destroyed.

"I will throw a face down and end my turn your move Y/n" I set a face down and my turn ends now I just got to see what Y/n hands in store for me.

Y/n P.O.V
"My move I draw" I drew a card and it's felt powerful and had a golden glow to it aswell, I look at the card and my eyes widen its the card that just appeared when I came back from the spirit world with that other blank card aswell.

"First things off I will active my facedown card called call of the haunted thanks to this I can pick a monster in my graveyard and bring it back to the field so rise on up Blue eyes white dragon" my blue eyes appears on the field and lets out a roar.

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