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Chapter 2

Erens pov

I was still in the cabin where we kept levi chained. Im really confused why would he really destroy his uncles kingdom.

"Why do you hate him so much
? kenny that is"

Silence. Does he not want to talk about it? My shift is almost over. I just have to wait for armin to replace me here.

"He's a selfish king" levi answered after 1 or 2 minutes of silence. "He left my mother to die, never cared for the civillians, honestly i dont understand how this kingdom is still holding up." He continued.

"Im sorry" i replied. Feeling sorry about his mothers death. He nodded as a response.

The day after~~~~~

Hanjis pov (i know most people dont like it when its beside levis or erens pov)

"So jean, do you consider setting him free? I mean from the straining chain"
I asked to our seriously non reliable captain.

"Hmmm. No i hate his bitchy face" jean answered.

(P.s in this ship every one is taken as like.. a family instead of ranks. That why hanji didnt say captain jean. Ew)

"Oh come on! Just consider it. Wheres the key to his chains? Ill take responsibility if he does bad things." I need him to be set free. Im doing work for you fujoshis so youre welcome cough*

I then saw eren and levi?! Walking out from the cabin we kept him

"What the actual fu-"

Erens pov

"I KNOW. You told me to not set him free BUT just listen. Im sure hes not hostile ok?" I said cutting jean off.

Jean is curently staring at levi rubbing his wrists for multiple hours of chained to the ships wall.

"Alright fine! But if this becomes a problem ill kill him wether you like it or not." Jean stated sternly.

"Agreed!" Me and hanji said at the same time. We both had smilling faces. Why am i smilling again?What ever the reason is. Its not because levi was set free. (AN:cough*)

Timeskip brought to you by erens smile~~~~~~~

Its been 2 weeks since we kinda trusted levi. Not with mikasa or jean. Now were going to go and test his loyalty by dumping him nearby the castle and see what he does.

"Why are we going back to my castle?" Levi asked looking at the island. The castle can be seen very clearly from the scope (idk binocularz?). We ofcourse dont want to get too close so no of sina's ship will spot us.

"Just to get supplies and were buying guns and yeah rum" i replied. We were seperated into groups to find our supplies. I was grouped with armin and levi.

We had ourship on a hidden beach around the island. Well its abandoned. But it looks fine. We got out and went to the market to find supplies we need. Ofcourse, in groups.

When we got to the middle of the market. Me and armin are going to leave him.

"Kay lets leave him" armin whispered. With that we backed away because we purposely let levi had the lead.

Levis pov

"Kay thats the rum lets get so-" i cut myself off as i was looking back, eren or coconut head wasnt there. I was confused for a minute and i tried looking around but i didnt find them. Am i lost?

I turned around and spot the castles gate right in front of me. I can go back here. I can live a life with my beautiful petra Sike bitch i prefer erens hole. (Cough* sorry im sick) i turned around and tightened my hoodie around me so none of the castle guards would spot me.

I fortunately remembered where the pirate ship is hidden. Were not that stupid to 'park' our ship in the main dock of the kingdom. I look around to the forest where theres another path and luckily found our ship. The i see all of the crew lining up.

"Congrats levi your now our bitch (ok thats the last time)"

"Congrats levi your now an official member" jean said with a frowning face

"Tch. So thats a test" i said. Eren quickly came over "leggo levi im going to give you a free tattoo" he said while squealing.


Nice. The tattoo is a nice blue wing. Eren did ask me what kind of tattoo i want. I want a matching tattoo as him. He had the white wing. Arent we cute? He blushed while doing my tattoo on my arm.

Erens pov

He just had to ask a matching tattoo. Well if youre wondering its a tradition. Everytime a new member is here i give them a free tattoo. Not to brag but im one of the first members of this ship.

"Eren" levi called

"Yeah" i answered

"How come i never smell your heat?"

This question makes me blush so hard. "I always wear surpressants, im just waiting for the right alpha levi"

"But its right here"


Then he pointed to himself. I punched him in the arm. "Stop messing with me" i said while blushing and running away. He caught me and pinned me down to the sandy beach ok ew now my body is sandy like the sandy beach. I hate sandy beaches. Theyre so sandy.

"Im not messing with you"

Cliffhanger bitches

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