The Voice Of The Ghost

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Amidst the darkness outside, the rain was pattering in droplets that evening. My younger brother – Justin and I were studying in a room downstairs. We were alone in the house. Mother had gone to a nearby house.

I had to prepare my geometry lesson for the class next day. But when I opened my bag for the geometry sets, I remembered that I had left them in our bedroom upstairs.

I asked my brother very sweetly to fetch it for me. “Justin, can you please bring my geometry box from the bag?”

Instantly my brother said. “No.”

Where were the dinosaurs when we needed them?? I thought. 

“Idiot” I mumbled with myself.

Then an idea struck my mind. I tried to lure him. “Hey!!! Justin” I called him.

“Go get your geometry box yourself.” he retorted. 

“Listen; if you will bring my geometry box I will give you my ‘TALK THAT TALK’ CD of Rihanna.”

The fathead started thinking about the offer.

After ten seconds, he stated- “DEAL!”

He ran up the stairs humming a number of the pop queen-‘Rihanna’.

Barely thirty seconds had passed when once again I heard his footsteps pounding heavily on the stairs. He came rushing back.

When I looked at him I knew something was wrong. His face had lost all color and he whispered slowly. 

“Jazz, there is a ghost in the bedroom”

I busted out in laughter and asked, “What the hell on the earth made you think so??”

His eyes looked hurt and he said, “Believe me; I have heard some whispering voices, though there was none in the room.”

At that moment the lights went off. I fumbled and took up the torch from the table and said. “Well come with me and let’s see where those ghosts are”

He simply said. “I won’t”

“Then wait right here till I come.” I said and started to go up the stairs.

I pretended to be daring but at heart I was frightened too. I climbed the stairs smartly and crossed the corridor. When I reached the door of the bedroom, a shiver ran through my spines.

Someone was crying in the darkness. But I gathered some courage and flashed the torch. There was no one but the moment I lit up the torch someone began to sing. I stepped in and found that sound was coming from the closet. I took a few shaky steps forward when the voice turned into a muffled whisper.

I pulled down the handle of the closet with trembling hands and opened it with my eyes closed.

The voice got louder.

I flashed the torch and found our FM transistor placed on the upper rack. Obviously mother put it there before leaving and forgot to switch it off.

I smiled sheepishly. 

“Now I know how to get my CD back, buhahahahhahahahhahahaha.” I laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2012 ⏰

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