- when you're on your period

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— he notices that you're acting a little off so he asks what wrong
— you tell him that you're on your period & he immediately becomes a sweetheart
— "do you need anything babe"
— lots of kisses & cuddles

— has no clue at all
— he asks you if you want to go swimming & you tell him you can't bc of your period
— he understands & tries to be helpful
— "you want me to go get you some chocolate?"

— is so sweet about it
— "do you want some advil"
— *heats up the heating pad without you even asking*
— *cuddles with you*

— she syncs with you
— movie marathon
— *cuddling*
— eating lots of junk food together

— is kinda clueless
— doesn't really know what to do so he asks how he can help
— lets you wear his sweater
— *lays with you*

— knows immediately
— isn't embarrassed to buy you pads or tampons
— rubs your tummy to relief cramps
— lets you use him as a human pillow

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