IMPORTANT (updated: 2021)

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alright alright alright! here we go again!

this is about the third time ive remade this first chapter? anyway

it's now february 2021 :) jesus fuckin christ, i published this all the way back in april 2018. i signed chapters off with T/Logan/Author,, hell

anyway. if you didn't bother reading the long description here's the TL;DR:

im keeping this book up for memories and clout. it's full of cringe and bad writing. literally Do Not Fucking Bother.

there was a bunch of shit in here that i felt uncomfortable leaving up on the internet, so i deleted a couple chapters some time ago.

im deleting text but keeping chapters up (because clout), so ill just be talking to myself there. it'll lose some of the sentimental value but like. whatever

ALRIGHT im leaving now :]]


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