Klance - Angels and demons

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In this day and age there are three different categories that a person could fall into: an angel, a demon, or a human. Granted the first two are not actually people, however, the humans do not know that. To them, we just look like everyone else. Normal. Unlike angels, all demons are different, there are a variety of different creatures, even fallen angels who had once been with the others but were banished for their cruel and unruly actions. Once an angel becomes a demon, there is no going back. You're stuck like that, forever. Angels are beautiful creatures with pure white wings like porcelain, each intricate feather soft and gentle. This is comparable to their personalities, I suppose this is not the case for all as the wings of an angel who has fallen are dark and charred, yet they are often equally as a beautiful. To mortals we are disguised as a regular human otherwise there may be a lot of mortal experiments or confusion over us if they could see what we truly looked like. Any angel or demon can see the true form of one another. Unfortunately, most towns have one area specifically for us, so both angels and demons are neighbours to one another. Sometimes it's not enjoyable, demons are loud and annoying.

Since the ancient times it has been forbidden that an angel and demon shall fall in love. I myself did not understand this rule, as angels we are expected to love everyone. Why should it be any different just because one has demon blood infused in their veins? I question myself each day, how will I know if I am truly in love, or if it is just my angelic nature to care too much for others? Brushing my hair out of my face, I prepare myself for the day of school ahead. The demon kids like to torment us angels, although some of them aren't that bad, although, I'd rather not confront them. Confrontation is not good. Quickly, I headed out of the door and towards school, observing the people travelling to wherever they're going. Presumably, they were going to school or work, like me. With every step that I took, I allowed my mind to clear, repressing any fears of the day ahead. Due to this, I was clearly oblivious as moments later my face was in a pile of mud, with a series of cruel laughters erupting from behind me. It was obvious to me who was behind this "mishap", if that's what you could call it. Turning my body around to see who I was expecting to, the group of four demons stood over me with wicked grins etched onto their faces, except for one. His dark hair fell messily over his forehead, one of his eyes covered by the lack of definitive style. His face looks almost sympathetic, pitiful, as he looks me in the eyes. I was stunned into silence.

"Keith, come on, we need to get to school, leave this pure angel." The emphasised hatred on the word pure, actually sent a chill through my spine. The one who said this, Kuro, I think his name is, was the leader of his gang of demons. Obviously, there are other demons who attend our school, but as every school has, they were part of the popular gang who go out of their way to make other people's lives a living hell. Demons making people's life a living hell, is that really surprising? Wiping the mud off of my face, I watched as Keith trailed guiltily behind the group of guys that were still laughing and joking about the whole ordeal. I almost did not notice the fact that Keith turned around for a fraction of a second and uttered the words "I'm sorry." in that moment my heart began to beat out of my chest, unsure why I was feeling this rush of emotion, I stood up and continued to walk to school making it to the classroom in a matter of seconds before the teacher, Mr Shirogane, arrived.

"Settle down class," Mr Shirogane called out as everyone began to sit in their seats, as usual, the one next to me was empty. Big surprise, no one wants to sit next me. "So today, we have a returning student, he attended here a few years ago but moved to another town over. Welcome back Keith, there's one spare seat next to Mr McClain, you can sit there."

"Sir, it's just Lance," I tried to say as politely as possible although it did not seem very polite.

"Well then, you can sit next to Just Lance." Keith gave me a slight smile, similar to the one he had given me earlier this morning but not as sympathetic, he sat down in the seat next me. Once again, I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. I cannot allow these feelings for a demon, let alone a guy! They'll banish me, I be turned into a fallen angel and will have to try to conform to their wicked ways which I don't want to do. If I wasn't banished because of who I loved, I'd be shunned meaning literally no one would talk to me, not even teachers. I'd be completely alone, I don't want that. Class seemed to drag on, and of course I was stuck with the insults of Kuro and his crew, all except for Keith, he appeared to be angry but did not say a word. I wanted to ask if he was alright, to slide a simple note to him with the words scribbled "Is everything ok? If you want to talk, I'll listen" but I couldn't do that, they'd notice. I didn't want to trouble Keith anymore than he had been already. Snapping out of my thoughts, I realised I had been staring at him. Oh no, had he seen that? I hope not. Finally, the bell rang and we were free for break, I guess it's time to eat my snack alone and prepare for the next lessons.

Silently, I sit at my desk, looking through my notebook. This notebook is special to me because it contains random thoughts, poems, feelings, or anything that I want to. It's exclusively private. Of course that meant Kuro was going to steal it off of me, which he did, is my life a walking cliche? I hope not. The latest thing that I had been working on was a poem about a boy whose mind was colourful and full of ideas but couldn't express them because he'd be hated for them and I guess there was a small truth in what I had written.

"Well Lance, what is this? A little diary that you write all your crushes and thoughts in? I might just have to read it," Kuro said with a wicked expression once again etched onto his face. All of the colour drained out of my face, no one should read this, it's mine and for my eyes alone. He began to read.

"His mind could not be tamed,

Colours blooming here and there,

Thoughts exploding,

Dancing like small fires.

He could never express those thoughts,

He'd be hated,


The boy with pale blue eyes,

And a heart full of gold

The boy,

Who was alone." The whole group emerged in laughter, before slamming the book on my desk and leaving the room. Only Keith remained, his eyes and smile showed the same sympathy that had been seen earlier today when my face was full of mud. The only two words he uttered, just quiet enough for me to hear were;

"I'm sorry." And with that he left the room after the others, putting on a facade, faking a smile and pretending that nothing was wrong. I don't get how when everything was wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2018 ⏰

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