You are not a mistake...

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(Y/n) POV
(You and Draco are dating but no one knows yet, and you're Harry's sister)

As I tuned my guitar quietly at the side of the great hall, my thoughts were whirling around my head like a tornado, it's my first time performing in front of Draco and the school and I'm extremely anxious.

"Up next we have a lady who's going to be singing and playing guitar, please give a round of applause for (y/n)!"

Everyone clapped as I sat on the stool, in front of the microphone. I took a deep breathe and looked up at Draco, who was smiling a little at the back of the great hall. I started strumming the tune of 'waving through a window'.

"I've learned to slam on the breaks, before i even turned the key-" i saw pansy smirk that's not good. "-before i make a mistake-"
"YOU'RE A MISTAKE!" Pansy screamed from beside Draco.

Everyone started laughing loudly as my eyes filled with tears, the teachers were trying to keep them quiet. As more tears fell down my face, i got up and ran out the great hall and ran to the Slytherin dorm room, into the girls dorm room and sobbed onto my bed.
Not long after i arrived, there was a gentle knock at the door.

"GO AWAY!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face like a waterfall.
"(Y/n) please-"


I dropped to my knees again and weeped onto my bed. The door opened and someone kneeled beside me, gentle arms rapped around me and held me, giving me a sense of protection.

"'s okay...I'm here..." a voice I recognised, spoke softly. Draco.

Draco pulled me into his lap, i wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms wrapping around his torso, crying of his shoulder. Nothing was said for at least an hour. It was just us, hugging.

"Thank you Draco...." i whispered.
"No problem love..." you smiled.
"I love you so much" you kissed his cheek.
"I love-" he was cut off by an angry bull.

"You slut! Draco's mine!" Pansy screamed, her 'friends' behind, pansy grabbed me by my hair and pulled me off draco, pointing her wand to my neck. Draco trying to calm her down.
"Pansy ple-"
"CRUCIO!" I screamed in pain, falling to the floor. "INCARCEROUS!" I felt a rope wrap around my neck tightly, making me gasp for air, just as i was about to pass out, the pressure around my neck disappears and i gasp, taking in as much oxygen as possible, pansy kept pointing her wand at me, my bones breaking, making me cry and scream in pain, than she again screams "CRUCIO!" I scream in pain, it felt like hot knifes were stabbing me over and over again.

"EVERTE STATUM!" Pansy went flying into the wall. She yelled in pain, Professor McGonagall came running in, saw what was happening and came to my aid instead of pansy's, her friends dragged her to the hospital wing.
"We need to get her to hospital wing immediately!" Professor spoke, sounding a worried and panicked. Draco nodded and picked me up,  cried out in pain. Draco started sprinting to the hospital wing, everyone moving out the way. I saw my brother, harry with his friends, they chased after me and draco.

"Draco i feel tired..." i was tired, my eyes feel heavy.
"Do not go to sleep (y/n)!" Draco yelled at me,
"I cant stay awake...." my eyes closed.

Draco's POV

"No no no no no!" (Y/n)'s eyes closed and she went limp. 

As we arrived at the hospital wing, i saw Madam Pomfrey tending to that bitch who hurt my love! I placed (y/n) on the hospital bed.
"There's someone who needs more attention than her!" I yelled, Madam Pomfrey rushing over to us.
"Okay everyone out!" She yelled.
I left and my eyes filled with tears, potter,granger and Weasley walked up to me.
"What. Happened. To. My. Sister draco!" Potter yelled at me. I sighed.

"A psycho called pansy saw me talking to (y/n) after she ran out of the great hall, pansy used the Crucio spell and the
Incarcerous spell and broke some of her bones. I ended up using Everte statum against pansy to stop her. That's what happened potter."  Few tears escaped my eyes...

~part 2 coming so!~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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