Chapter 1: Meeting Him and the promise

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"When you're older you'll be the next champion of the family and this gym will be yours to lead and you'll be a champion like me." You remember your father telling you and you saying "Really daddy? I'll be a champion like you?" You smiled when you remembered this moment

"Yes little one. This will all be yours and you will win fights like I did you'll be your own hero." You were happy and cheered "Yay! I'll make you proud of me daddy!" "I'm already proud of you." he said as he put a medal he won around your neck. You smiled.

*End Of Flash Back* 

You opened your eyes you were visiting your father's grave you brought him the thing you always brought him when you visited his grave flowers,a charm you made, and some scented candles.

You always made charms when you came to see him. You didn't visit him yesterday like you were suppose to because of your medical condition it was raining you couldn't go outside when it was raining you didn't want to tell your father but he probably already knew about it. 

Whenever you visited him you were always cheerful because you knew he probably didn't want to see you cry but this time you weren't so cheerful you had to tell him what was going on once you set the stuff you always brought him you began to speak 

" Hi dad. I know you always see me be cheerful when I come to see you but I have to tell you something bad.

The bank wants to take the gym from us I know that you count on me to protect our beloved gym from harm but people no longer come to our gym and there's so many things I need to do.

I'm overwhelmed Father. Can you help me? I have to go to school but I'll come back later okay father?"And with that you head out to start your daily routine of both school and work.

*DG's POV*

I was walking around in forest I didn't know where I was going or why I was even here.

I was walking for a little while when I heard a child laughing happily I followed the laughter and found a small girl with her father they were playing and he was teaching her how to fight I put my head against the tree next to me and watched them.

Suddenly the setting changed from the forest to a graveyard the little girl was wearing a black dress and a medal was around her neck.

She was the only one there her head was down. She stared to speak "Father I have to make you a promise and you probably won't like it." she took out a knife a held it to her wrist.

Oh no. I ran to stop her from cutting her wrist but it was to late. Insted of her wrist she cut the palm of her little hand and drew a little heart.

" I'm sorry father but I have to make this promise. From this day forth I promise to never fall in love. Because I might lose them like I lost you." 

she smiled and then it started to rain. I woke up feeling confused and sweating these dreams are becoming weird and harder to understand.

They don't seem like things I've experienced before or anything I've done before. What kind of dreams were these? Were they someone else's dreams if so who's dreams were there? I sigh and get ready for work. I had a long day ahead of me.

After work I deiced to go for a walk to get my mind off a few things like those weird dreams I've been having.

I went around the dark parts of the company to avoid creating a scene until I got to the park.

I was going the usual way I like to go until I felt like going somewhere else I felt like I was calling someone I didn't know who or why I was calling someone.

I heard something snap a twig I looked back to see the old CEO who we fired a while ago. Mr Jang. He wasn't alone he had his goons with him I was being ambushed. If I was calling someone let it be the police.   

Y/N P.O.V.

After school and work was over you were on your way to visit your father's grave again but you felt like if something was calling you to take the long way to visit your father's grave.

You always take a short cut because you always have good news to tell your father but this feeling won't go away you tried to ignore it at first but it just kept growing stronger.

At this point the feeling was unbearable so you deiced to go in it's direction. You kept walking until you found someone being ambushed.

 You ran over to help this person who ever he was. After you called Daniel for help that is. Then you saw him. The guy who tried to take away your beloved gym, at last you could get even with this guy and teach him to never touch your gym again.

"So you dare show your face in my gym and now here?! You really are seeking to piss me off. But then again without you here I wouldn't have been able to get even with you.

We champions have no tolerance for unfinished business, Mr Jang. You walked straight into the wolf's mouth."

You ran over to him but his minions attacked you. You were able to push them off breaking their bones so they won't stand in your way.

You were fighting many people but they were to weak to defy your might. Half of the minions were down that's when your friends appeared.

Daniel, Jay, Vasco, Zack, Mira, Zoe, Duke. "What took you guys? You almost missed out on all the fun!" You called over to them they helped you fight the minions off.

while the minions were distracted you took the chance to attack their leader and then went after Mr. Jang. With a knife you took from the minions you pined Mr Jang down and carved 2 roses and a wolf head in his skin and then punched him out cold.

You were going to run to your friends when someone grabbed you from behind and broke your rib cage. Your friends heard you scream and ran to help you out but someone had already punch the minion away from you. 

"DG!?" your friends yelled. So that was his name? The police had arrived and arrested all the minions and Mr Jang.

You were being put into the ambulance when your father's medal fell out of your pocket you didn't notice it because you were in to much pain to realize it.

DG notice the medal and he picked it up and put it in his pocket he would ask Crystal to help him figure out who you were later right now he had to go with HNH group CEO.

DG was in trouble! :3

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