It's been a long time since I got on this's plane. I sat right next to the window but when my eyes looked out the. Window I saw the engine was on fire I knew what would happen next...
Everyone was screaming and crying.
We were about to hit the ground when the front of the plain broke off
And the back crashed hard in to the deep snow with me on it. I opened my eyes thinking I'm dead but when I look around I see fire broken parts of the plain. I got out of my seat I started to walk but I fell to week to walk then I looked up at a seat and saw an old man "help sir can you help me"no response. OMG he's... dead I threw up in my mouth.I herd a a person he sounded eighteen maybe sixteen like me. Hello I'm here I'm coming just hang on. I got up on to my legs and walked down to the back of the plane and There he was on his back. Then we got out of the plane and there was nothing there just snow and mountains everywhere. "come on it's almost sun down we need water and food and shelter we can use broken parts of the plain for shelter and we can find water and food in the suitcases and clothes" I said ok it sounded like a plan.
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