Ch 19: The Beginning of The End

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Izuku could only stare at the ceiling above him. He had just been told who his mother really was yet that still left so many questions unanswered. Who was his family, who was Blaze to his mom and him, who were these people that his mom had to run from and why. That was only the tip of the iceberg, there were just so many blank spaces that needed to be filled. The only problem was that he didn't know where to start looking nor how he would fill them.

"What am I going to do?" Izuku asked out loud to himself as he sighed out of frustration. He was only a child yet he had so much weighing on his shoulders as if the universe itself was trying to stop him from moving forward. "I really need to quit thinking about this shit, it'll just fry my fucking brain..." Izuku spoke while running a hand down his face. He was confused, frustrated, and lost in a world he still didn't understand yet when he closed his eyes he could see a world worth living for.

While the darkness consumed his vision Izuku focused on particular image that he held closely to his heart. The darkness began to fade and the sun started to shine through blurring out the endless void. Izuku looked around this new world, he was in a field covered with acacia blossoms hanging down from the lush trees. Izuku began to imagine himself walking through them to a hidden spot far from the beaten path. The young teen followed the sound of gently running water and the butterflies that flouted past him. After some time Izuku stumbled upon a clearing a small stream passed by while an infinite amount of butterflies swarmed the area. As beautiful as this scene may have been there was something or rather someone that seemed to stand out amongst all of this overwhelming beauty.

While his broad shoulders, small scars, and well built muscle made him look so intimidating. The fragile butterflies still came to him and would sit there peacefully. There was no fear or danger that good be sensed from this young man, only kindness, innocence, and joy. Izuku moved toward the young man his steps silent and swift. Before the young man realized it Izuku was hugging him from behind, this slightly surprised the teen but he only glanced behind himself to see a head of bouncy evergreen curls.

"You know you shouldn't be here.." The young man said as more butterflies flouted over to him, oh so gracefully.

"I know, but....I can't stay away from you, even if you are just a figment of my imagination...." Izuku muttered into the young man's back.

"The more times you come here, the longer you stay...the harder it will be when it all blows up in your face" The man said as everything started to drain of color and freeze.

" My heart will continue to ack as it falls apart, for every step we take we become farther and farther apart and the closer he becomes to forgetting me only to find someone he will truly love" Izuku spoke his thoughts aloud for he knew that only his mind could hear him. Only the memories could hear his suffocating voice and his drowning heart.

Meanwhile, Iida was in a conflict of his own. Everything that the hero killer said rang a sound of 'truth' in his mind. When he looked at others he seen their greed, envy, lust, he seen it all now. He felt enlightened he felt as if he was finally waking up from a rose colored dream. He felt as if his eyes had been forced open to see the ugly truth yet All Might hadn't really changed in his mind. The only thing that changed about him was that he now looked like a lier. To Iida All Might didn't look like the symbol of peace but rather the stage curtain that was hiding the ugly from the audience. While those thoughts ran through his mind he began to do research on vigilanties, murder, and a number of other useful texts that would help him reach his new goal. The thoughts of what Stain did to his brother were long gone by now the only thing that was filling his mind was his own brand of 'justice'. The only hero he didn't have an opinion on was Izuku, Iida was still confused as to what his motivation might be. He knew that a hero can not be as true as the image he once praised. Iida had finally seen the veil that Izuku was hiding behind but he had no idea how to tear it down to see who was really behind the veil. Anger and disgust were the only emotions that filled his mind. He didn't know what he was going to do or where this new path would lead him but he had a feeling that it would be much better than lying to the world.

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