Bonus Chapter

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After getting so many reads I wanted to say thank you by making a bonus chapter. If you like Deku and don't like angst I sugeest you stop reading now. Hope you enjoy~~


"Midoriya. I can't do this. You can't do this. Stop please!" Someone screamed.

"Yes I can and I will Todoroki. You have no idea how much this will help my career. Stay here and help Kacchan to protect Japan. You're all I've got. Don't cry." Midoriya shouted back at him. It looked like they were in an airport of some kind and that Midoriya would be leaving Japan. But why? 


"What is it Kacchan?" 

"Don't die you fucking PipSqueak. Understand." Kacchan said while Deku nodded profusely(I dunno how to spell) Kirishima pulled him away before he could make a fool of himself by crying so much but he did shout a goodbye as he walked.

"Midoriya. Your career could improve here. Stop it. You know I won't be able to handle a long distance relationship. Just stay."

"Well. It looks like you won't have to handle a long distance relationship. I'm sorry Todoroki but you need to stop being selfish. It's over." And with that he walked onto the plane and it flew off in the direction of America.

~A few days later~

"Todoroki, man I know you've been dumped but you need to come back to the agency. Japan needs you." Kirishima tried to reason.

"It looks like you and BAKUGOU are doing okay without me. You make a great team, just like me and... Well you know." He replied in a monotone voice. 

"Well okay. Why don't we watch the news for a bit. See how he's doing." Kirishima said jumping on the sofa next to Todoroki. He turned channel 5 on until he heard something about a Japanese hero in America.

"Just in the infamous Japanese hero 'Deku' has passed away due to starvation. It looked as if it was self starvation due to no evidence of torture or kidnapping or even trespassing. We will all pray for the boy. He was only 17." Kirishima sat there for 10 minutes in shock. He could only wonder what Todorki was thinking. He was soon out of his shock when he felt a sudden chill. Todorki was sat there crying but as he did so froze the room. 

"Bakugou get here now and bring the rest of the class I'll explain when your all here."

~1 hour later~ 

"Come on Todorki. Let's make him a shrine." 

"Right I'm here. My boyfriend better be in front of me in 2 or I'm leaving this place." Kirishima was in front of him quicker than ever telling him to shut up. He brought everyone in while Todoroki made a shrine. He told them all of Midoriyas passing. There was a good half an hour of tears. Even some off Bakugou. They sooner joined Todoroki in the room with the shrine and gave Midoriya their best wishes.

"We'll miss you forever. I know what I did as a kid was bad and I never got the chance to say sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I wish I could have been better and I bet I'm at fault for this. I'm so sorry. I wish I could have been better but it's me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Bakugou chanted I'm sorry over and over again till Kirishima pulled him over.

"I know you probably don't want to hear my selfish ass but I want you to know. I love you. I rarely ever said it but I love you and I won't be able to move on for a while. I'm sorry for the argument we had. I'm sorry for the injuries I've caused but I love you. I always will and I will never forget you. We will never forget you." Todoroki cried.

"I know" sounded out and Todoroki looked around as if someone was there. It must have been his imagination. 

Nothing was ever the same. Todoroki did get over him but not enough to date again. Bakugou had started being nicer to everyone, considering their feelings and most importantly everyone realised there will never be an 'All Might' again. This didn't shake class 1-A but it shook the rest of the world. What will happen now....


Hope you all liked my extra chapter. It was set a year after they leave. It strays far off the actual story but it was an idea I had off what one of my friends wanted. Sorry to all the Midoriya and Todoroki fans. No hate and Comments are appreciated.

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