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       I simply couldn't believe what was happening. How could have this happened ? How could have everything gone wrong at the very last moment? Questions kept running all around my brain but their was not one single answer to it.


            As I watched the bomb blow  and the car explode to pieces I went numb , Dad was safe but Amaan was just half way up, What could have happened to him? What if I lose him?

        I could'nt see a thing as cloud of smoke and dust clouded my eyes , one of the cars  at the front had been hit as well and had done a somersault , I really hoped the chief was fine but all I could think about was my brother.


            He hung from the rope limp, His body pale and his clothes dirty and shred , It was a miracle that the rope was intact but the blow was too close to him, What if he's...?

       I can't give a thought to it , No!!! He will survive , He has to be fine, I can't imagine losing Amaan he is one the most important people in my life , I can't explain how I feel now.

         Their are a hundred regrets , Why did they have to go? Why not me? Why my li'l bro? He was so young.

         He still has so much to see and the last question was why us God? Why us?  I've never questioned God before yet here I was with my faith shaken and questioning God's existence....


Adel's pov:


     It was I who should have been in Amaan's place , What kind of a father was I?  I let my son take my place? Wallahi why did I agree to him? He is hanging between life and death because of me.

         He could even be dead. Ya Allah I can't think about it, I watched helpless as they pulled up my sons limp body .He lay so lifeless, was he alive ? I did'nt know , I held his head and put it on my lap.

        Not again Ya Allah! not again! please don't test me again.

        I've already lost the people I've loved before , I lost my mother, my brother and my sister-in- law years back .If it wouldn't have been for Sarah I would never have returned to Allah.

            Take me Allah ! Not my son please take me!

        Tears flowed down my face as I stroked Amaan's hair, if this time anything happens to Amaan , I will go away from you, I will not have trust in you anymore Allah , you will have to save him for me , you can't do this to me.


          Iwatched as first aid was given to  Amaan. He was hardly breathing , His pulse hardly beating , His face was pale and his body numb, All the signs of death approaching and all I could do was wait till we reached the closest hospital .

       "Sir I've ordered security at the hospital and privacy, no relatives of patients will be allowed, no reporters allowed , no one other than patients will be able to enter the premises, the best group of doctors from all over Jordan as well as America have been ordered to fly in, anything else sir?"

       One of my men asked , I had no energy left within me to talk so I simply nodded my head, Sarah and Amaarah were coming to the hospital , I had to stay strong to console them.

        The stretcher was brought,From here I could see reporters surrounding the place , I could'nt blame them, the whole country has a right over Amaan as well , They love us as their own.

       I snapped back as I saw Aamir making his way towards us followed by Sarah and Amaarah who had tears flowing down their faces. distress evident on their face as they looked at a very pale Amaan lying lifeless on the stretcher as the nurses hurried him to the operation room . Would he survive or would we have to let go of our son to whom he belonged?


BORN ROYAL : sequel of being muslimahWhere stories live. Discover now