Song Of The Day:
When I Look At You - Miley Cyrus
Brittney's POV.
Our Stepdad's lawyer, stepdad, and some of the police that was watching him over house arrest sat on the couch, and the boys and girls (One Direction and their girlfriends) watched us as our stepdad gave us stuff our mum wanted us to have.
Your mum told me to give you this when she died, but I'm really sorry about her. I know I will never be your dad ever, but I want you to have this.", my stepdad reply as he handed me a scrapbook me and my mum used to make when I was 4, and mum's locket.
"You know everytime I look at you Brittney,
I see your mum,
Everytime I hear your cute, innocence, just beautiful voice,
It reminds me your mum singing.
Your long hair, but you mums was brown,
Her shyness,
Her singing,
Just everything", my stepdad admitted looking me in the eyes with his dark brown chocolate eyes like Liam's.
Your mum left you and Brittney her pokèmon collection.", my stepdad reply putting 6 boxes on the table in front of us.
You mum told me to you if she died before she could tell you that I'm Jordan's real dad. She was preagant with you in high school with a boy she like and dated. You never met you dad, but there's a photo hidden in that scrapbook of him.", My stepdad broke the news to me.
My stepdad signed off his rights to us, and Jordan and I hugged him the last time before he left us forever.
I turned to the scrapbook, and opened it.
I found the photo which was werid it looked like Louis when he was on The X Factor.
He's signature was on the back.
He's last name's Tomlinson?!
As I picked up the photo it brought me to a flashback.
My mum was spinning me around with the guy from the photo.
They looked so happy.
They were smiling.
*End Of Flashback*
My eyes turned back to light blue instead of my normal color hazel.
Liam sighed.
I didn't know he was by me.
"You ok?", Louis asked sitting by me.
I nodded.
"I just had flashback.
That's all.", I reply looking at the photo.
"Hey, Where did you get this photo of me?", Louis snatching it out of hands.
I pointed at the scrapbook.
He looked me in the eyes, and looked at the rest of his bandmates and the girls.
I guess Jordan left to talk to Ariel upstairs.

Look After You (An One Direction Adoption Story)
FanfictionMeet Ariel, Brittney, Faith, Meghan, & Maddy, 5 best friends for life, They all want the same dream, Meet One Direction, The world's most famous boyband, What happens when these boys are force to adopt a child? But what happens when they adopted all...