ron x reader ept 2 new story

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Where ate te zoo and harry and me are havibg fun onley somtimes dudley will come but go away soon
Where ate the reptilhouse cause dydly wanted to see the big snake there

My uncel vernon bonks one the glass the sake dousent move he dous it again but no reaction te walk away you and harry go to the snake
Harry;sorry for wat my nefew and uncel did

Y:yeah te dont know how it is to be wacht all the time
Onley because you so big you look fantastic to

The snake winks ate you and harry you look ate harry thinking if he see that to
He look ate yoh shockt with that ldid you saw that to  look one his face
Then Dudley comes in
He pushes you and harry outt of the way to the ground your mad  he and his friend pushes there face in to the glass but then it dissepaers
And te fall into the little pool
The snake comrles out of the shelter and you herw the snake say something
:tttthankk youu ssssoo muccchhhh

~~~timeskip brougjt by you by the fat ass of dydley~~~

Your uncel is in the living roim talking about no post one sunday cause you and harry where reserving mail but you uncl took it always away and he kept talking about sunday and how great it was but sundundlt the house shakes and thencthere start raining envelops every where from the fireplace the wundows every where then your uncel screamt


You where on the couch in a really small and scary house one a rock harry lays one the floor you gote a blanet but harry not so you gave him the blanket cause you where one the coush it was 3 in the morninf and today was yours and harrys birhtdays cause you where twins
You go up to him he was drawing one the floor

Happy birhtday harry and y/n

:happy birtday harry
H:happy birhtday y/n

Then there wase a huge knock on the door you causents came down the door fell down and there was a big man he lookt ate us then aur causents
He puts the door back to there orrinal place then looks ate you and harry
:ey arry he y/n

So thats the update i hope you like it there will come more i will probely read intil the end of the books
And see you in the nexts part pups buh bye


ron weasly x readerWhere stories live. Discover now