Well Life Here I Come

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Roseline's point of view
   Thunder is a scary thing, its like the world is mad and stopping it is feet at us.

Ever since i Was little I have always been scared of Thunder. Its hard to face a fear when there is no one to help you, to keep you safe. I have my dog,but she is as scared of it as I am.

I was kicked out of my room so my moms ex boyfriend could have a video game room. The basement is my room. It has a bathroom and in the back of the room there is my fridge and a sink and besides the sink is a snack stand with a microwave.

It took me 2 years to turn my room in to a small studio when I had to switch from my room to the basement it was full of mold so I had to clean and use mold resistant paint to make the place liveable and that took a week. I'm now 16.

My dad died when I was 12 my mom got married a few times but it never works out. They would either beat me some time would come on to me or just act like I'm not even there. But now she is with a guy that has been taking care of her medical bills and the house. He even ask if he could have my old room to make it in to a guest room.

My mom is in the hospital right now, she has cancer and is losing to it slowly. I quit school so I could take care of her and I'm looking for a job.  Sometimes I will sneak weed to my mom to make her eat. But that will not stop her from dieing

Sometimes I fill like I could die and no one will care. I would not fill Pain of watching mom die, or I would forget about how I was treated in the past and most of all I would see my dad.

There are so many more things I could list but I would never have the courage to take my own life. And I have so many things to do before I die.

I have a job interview for a company, ran my a rich guy. He pays really well. Might just help set my mind at ease, at least keep me occupied.

Sometimes I wish I could be a normal teenager that go's to school and hangs out with all my friends. But I don't have any friends, when I went to school I had no time to. I was all ways study and taking care of mom.

But now all I can do is hope I can get this job. If I don't I will be homeless when mom dies. The doctor said that she might not even last a month. And her boyfriend James keeps telling me he will figure something out to make her live until there is a cure. But he can't stop the cancer from eating her alive and he can't get that across his hard head.

Sometimes James will come to my room when it is thundering give me his head phones and put some soothing music on then sit at the edge of the bed untill I fall a sleep. But every time I wake up he is gone and so are the headphones.

The other night I asked why he was so nice to me and he looked at me and said it was because he loved my mother. Then he said he would all ways be there for me and my mom.

I had wanted to here those words come out of someone's mouth ever since my mom stared dating.

I know mom only started dating for me. So I could have someone to care for me when she dies.

After she figured out that she had cancer she stared dating a lot and even got married a hand full of times. But they never lasted until this guy James.

Mom  and James are planning to have a hospital wedding tomorrow night and I think it's kinda sweet to get married before her condition gets out of hand. It will be good to see mom get married to a good guy for once.

Wedding night

I woke up to my soon to be new step saying nap time is over the wedding is in 20 mins off to the hospital.

I got my mom an new wedding dress so her wedding day would be the best. I had saved up money for the perfect dress after the first guy. Now I fill like she is getting with a good guy so it time to give her the dress.

I walk in her hospital room and she was in her old dress. The way she looked at the dress made me think it must of gave her bad memories.

She looks back at me and looks at the dress in my hands "what is that hun". I pulled out the dress. This was the perfect dress. I told her that this will be the best day of her life and she needs a fresh start. Plus she has lost a lot of wight so the old dress to to big.

She let me do her hair and makeup them she put on the dress her face lit up when she saw her self.

When the wedding was over they both sat me down and told me they have a surprise. Mom said she was coming home and then James told me he was going to adopt me. This was the best day of my life.

Mom had to stay in the hospital for two more nights but James took me out to eat. We had hand Berger's and fries and we had milkshakes for desert. We laughed all that night and ended up going back to the hospital to play video games with mom.

Two days later mom came home and it felt like I had a family, a real family.

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