Chapter 5 - Thank You

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“Bruno,” I whispered. This is unbelievable. He’s here. Oh my God. Tears start two swell up in my eyes. The guy on the stool just looked at me for a few seconds then turned back to his drink. ‘What do I say to him’ I thought. I’ve been wanting to thank the man who came to my rescue and I’m hoping I’m not mistaken on his identity. ‘Just do it.  Say something’ I told myself. The guy who I assumed was Bruno Mars tossed back his drink and stood up to leave. He gave our bartender two twenty dollar bills, pushed back his stool and was about to walk away when I stopped him. “Excuse me,” I said sheepishly. “Bruno Mars, right?” I asked him. “Yeah,” he said dryly. By the sound of his voice he clearly doesn’t want to be bothered. He probably thinks I’m some fan that wants a picture with him or something. I mean I am and I do but that is not priority right now. I took a deep breath before I continued. “Umm, can I ask you a quick question, please?” I said holding my breath. “Yeah, what’s up?” This time he turns so he is facing me. Bruno places his hands in his front pockets and waits for me to continue my speech. ‘Damn, he looks annoyed as hell’ I thought to myself. “Thank you. Umm…did you happen to witness a car accident about three weeks ago,” I asked nervously. “Yeah, why,” Bruno asked me cautiously. It was him. Oh my God, I knew it. Butterflies teased my stomach and my heart started beating faster than usual. I felt my underarms start to moisten. I’m not sure why I’m so nervous but I am. I shyly look down at my fiddling fingers. Bruno leans his head over to the side and gives me a quizzical stare. “Wait, that was you,” he asks. My mouth opens but nothing comes out. He focuses on my face. I suddenly feel exposed; wide open. “Damn, that was you,” he says matter-of-factly. I cleared my throat to ensure a frog wouldn’t jump out when I tried to speak.  “Uhh, yes that was me. Umm, I started to put two and two together and thought it might have been you who was there with me that night.” Bruno just looks at me. His quizzical stare turned into a concerned look. “You alright,” he asked.  ‘He’s so nice. I remember how nice he was to me’ I thought. “Yeah I’m okay. Just ended up with a pretty bad concussion.” Bruno looked down at his shoes and kept his eyes fixated there while he repositioned his hands in his pockets. We both stood there for a few seconds without saying anything. Bruno smiled  then  looked at me again. “I’m glad you’re okay. That shit was scary as hell. I have you know my nerves was shot to hell that night. It was by far the scariest thing I’ve ever witnessed. You always expect to see shit like that in the movies,” he said to me. His smile faded as he spoke. I can’t even explain the expression on his face and it hurt me to see it. I didn’t know if it was anger mixed with sadness or the look of not knowing; fear. My eyes started to tear up again. I never knew the affect it had on him. “Bruno I’m sorry you had to witness that. I still don’t know what all happened but I am thankful you were there. So thank you for caring enough to stop and help me. I really appreciate it,” I said as tears ran down my face.  “Heyyy, none of that,” he said reaching his right arm out to me, wiping my tears with his thumb. “You know I woke up wondering if that was you. Everything was a blur. I really wanted to say thank you to whomever it was. But I didn’t have any contact information,” I explained to him. “You’re welcome. I’m glad I was there too. Scary part was I didn’t know if you were alive when I reached you,” Bruno says to me sitting back on the stool.  Our bartender automatically refilled our drinks knowing that this was a conversation that warranted one. “You were behind me?” I questioned. “Yeah, for a while. Then I noticed you started swerving off and on. My first thought was you were drinking. Then shortly after, that’s when I seen you veer off the road. You flipped over once and luckily landed upright. I remember I was talking to my dad and I was like fuck dad, I need to call you back. This person in front of me just flipped,” he said recalling that night. Chills ran through my body as I listened to Bruno detail on my accident. ‘Damn how could I be so stupid. I flipped my car…oh my God’ I thought. “When I got to you, you were leaned over. My first thought was damn is she dead. My heart has never beat so fast in my life. I was scared to touch you at first but I knew I had to. Then I seen you were breathing and that’s when I called the paramedics,” he said filling in the gaps. I grabbed my drink and killed it, trying to numb all emotions inside of me. I put my glass down and motioned for another one. “How many of those have you had today,” Bruno asked me, not judging but caring. “Enough I guess,” I say. I guess the bartender got the hint and nixed my drink. “Were you drinking that night,” our bartender chimed in and asked me. I looked at Bruno then at him before answering. “No, I knew I had to drive back to LA. I fell asleep behind the wheel. I was doing okay…at least I thought so. The last thing I remember was rolling down my windows and turning up the AC and my music to keep me awake. After that…,” I paused trying to hold in the water works that wanted to flood my eyes. Another unsuccessful attempt. I’ve been emotional a lot lately. This alcohol didn’t help either. To make matters worse, I couldn’t stop crying. Here I am sitting in front of Bruno Mars and I’m crying like a baby. Our bartender handed me a box of tissue he had stored behind the bar. Through my tears I took a deep breath and  tried to continue. “After that I realized someone was standing on the side of me. And.. I.. didn’t know..what.. happened,” I said sobbing, wiping my nose with the tissue. Yeah I refused to have Traci talk about me for slangin snot in front of Bruno Mars. Bruno rose from his stool and stood next to me rubbing my back.  “I should have stayed. I should have never left,” I said. “I knew I was tired but I didn’t know how tired I was. I should have stayed,” I said beating myself up. “Was it late at night?” our bartender asked us. “Yeah, it was a little after two a.m.,” Bruno answered. “I take it you were also leaving Vegas?” Bruno looks at me with the most adoring look while still rubbing my back. I nod yes to him. I was able to finally calm my tears. “Hey, stop beating yourself up. It happened. You weren’t badly injured but most importantly you are alive. Take it as a lesson learned and keep it moving,” Bruno says. “That’s right. It could have happened to anyone,” our bartender says as he continues to wipe down a spotless bar top. “You’re both right,” I said feeling better. I smile at Bruno and no longer felt nervous around him. “Thank you again. I didn’t mean to hold up your time,” I say to him apologetically. “I’m glad you did. I thought of you a few times and wondered if you were alright. I left out of the country the next day so I didn’t get a chance to follow up,” he explained. Wow, Bruno Mars thought of me. I couldn’t help but smile bigger. “Hey Ben, her drinks are on me,” Bruno says smiling at me. “Aww, thank you. That’s so sweet.  I feel like I should be buying your drinks. That’s the least I can do,” I say to him. “Don’t worry bout it. What you can do for me is not drive while you’re sleepy anymore. I’m not going to always be around to rescue you. You’ll have to make an appointment next time,” he said with the biggest grin on his face. I laughed. He’s funny even when I know he was being serious. “Yes sir. No more driving sleepy,” I quietly reply. “I guess I had better get home,” I say. “I’ll walk out with chu,” he said. “Ben, I’ll see you mannn,” Bruno says to our bartender. “Alright B, take care. Don’t be a stranger,” he says to Bruno. “Never,” Bruno yells and points at Ben before turning to me. “Shall we,” Bruno asks me motioning me to lead the way. “Yes.” I waved to Ben our bartender and he nodded his reply. Walking out of the bar into the hotel lobby, Bruno gently grabbed my arm slowing me from walking further. “Do you mind if we go out this door over here. I would like to evade the crowd that is over there,” he said pointing to the group of girls that looked to be here for auditions. “Of course. How far are you parked,” I asked him. “Oh I valet’d,” he said. I nodded, “of course you did,” I said looking down at my hands. For some reason I was suddenly embarrassed. Not sure why. Bruno placed his hand on the small of my back and leading me in the direction of the side door. I walked with him to the valet stand since I wasn’t parked to far from it. Bruno handed the valet attendant his ticket, waiting for them to pull his car around. “I guess I could ask you what your name is,” Bruno said to me. I laughed. I forgot we didn’t exchange names. “Breion. Breion Davis,” I officially introduce myself to him.  Bruno smirked. “Nice to meet you Breion. I’m Bruno. Bruno, Peter, Hawaiian Lion, Sex Dragon, The Flyest of the Fly, The Undisputed Hernandez,” Bruno says grinning holding out his hand. I started laughing and shook his hand in return. He’s such a dork.  “That’s quite a name resume you got there,” I said still laughing. Bruno just continued smiling. ‘It’s a beautiful sight to see’ I told myself. “So Breioooonnnn, what do you do,” he asked me. I just stared at him. “Work,” he said trying to clarify. “I know what you meant. I was just thinking if I wanted to tell you my daytime job or my nighttime job,” I said. “Tell me both,” he says curiously. “Well, by day, I am a paralegal for EMLP and by night I am an Area Block Sales Manager,” I answered keeping a straight face. “Oh ok. I know of EMLP. But what’s an Area Block Sales Manager. What does that consist of,” he asked. “Oh, you know. I manage a certain zip code, based on the length of specific blocks. I produce certain products and services to special vendors and customers then I collect the profit,” I said. It took everything in me not to laugh. Bruno was so caught up in this new found profession it was just too cute. “Oh ok,” Bruno said biting down on his bottom lip. Still not really sure of the answer I gave him but he probably thought to just go along with it anyway. By then I was in full laughter. My stomach hurt I was laughing so hard. Bruno looked at me puzzled. Even one of the valet attendants was laughing. He walked over to Bruno and whispered in his ear. After, he stepped back and looked at Bruno giving him the ‘Come on dawg, figure it out’ look. Bruno looked at me and started laughing. “Alright, alright, you got me. Very funny,” he said narrowing his eyes at me grinning. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist that one,” I said to him. Bruno smirked at me again. “You got me. 1-0 but don’t worry payback is a biatch,” he said. I laughed again. “You have to see me again first. So maybe we should just consider this a battle you lost,” I said still laughing. Bruno looked at me again with narrowed eyes, smirking at me. “Ok…we’ll see.” He says. The valet attendant pulled up with his car. “Mr. Hernandez,” he says holding the door open for Bruno. “Do you need a lift to your car,” he asked me. “No, I think I can manage to walk across the street,” I say to him. “Alright, Ms. Breion, see you around,” he says to me. He held up his hand signing ‘Shaka’ to me. “Bye Bruno, take care,” I say to him. I start to cross the street and walk to my car. Bruno pulls off and honks at me as he turns the corner of the hotel and disappears into the LA city. I smiled all the way home. I can’t believe I just talked to Bruno Mars. And the best part was he was my mystery man that night. I couldn’t wait to get home so I could call my girls. This was definitely a nachos and drinks night.

I woke up smiling. Actually the smile has been glued to my face most of the morning. Everyone was asking me what was up. I told them I had some good news yesterday, that’s all. My desk phone buzzed. It was the receptionist. “Hey Tammy,” I answered. “Girl, come up here NOW,” she said excited. “Ok, on my way.” I got up and walked up to the reception area. Wonder what could have Tammy so worked up. I usually involves a client. A very nice looking client at that. I reached the reception area but didn’t see anyone waiting. Frowning, I turned to her and the aroma of beautiful Tulips of all colors slapped me in the face. There were five dozen of them. Oh my God. Tammy ran around to the front of her desk to stand by me. “Girl, here…these are for you,” she said grinning from ear to ear handing me the card. “What, are you sure,” I ask. Wow. ‘What did I do to deserves these’ I asked myself. “Who are they from,” Tammy says jumping up and down. “I don’t know, calm down,” I told her grinning as I opened up the card. It read: Breion, Glad you’re okay. Still laughing at your prank. I still owe you a payback. Care for ice cream later, your treat. If so, have your people contact my people. j/k 808-987-7180 – Pete. My mouth dropped. I couldn’t believe it. Did he really just ask me out. “What. Who is it,” Tammy asks. “It’s a guy I met yesterday. He asked me out for ice cream,” I said and suddenly started laughing. I asked Tammy to help me carry my flowers to my desk. To no surprise there were many Oooo’s and Ahhhh’s throughout the office. I sat down at my desk and took my phone out of my purse. I opened my text app and typed in the number given to me. In the text box I typed: This is my people contacting your people. Lol Thank you again. This thanking you all the time may start to get old. j/k They were beautiful Pete….invitation accepted, when and where shall we meet? – Breion . Shortly after I received a text message. It was indeed from the number I had just text. It read: Glad you liked them. I will let you know shortly of the time and place. Is that okay? –B. I smiled as I text him back. I replied: Yes that is fine – B. I put my phone on my desk and leaned back in my chair. My phone buzzed letting me know another text had come through. I picked it up and it read: Ok. Now get back to work – The flyest. I started cracking up.  I replied: Dork. Lol Yes sir. Now leave me alone so I can get back to work – Bre. I turned to my computer still laughing and attempted to get some work down. I propped my chin on my hand and paused from my work.  The sudden thought crossed my mind and I smiled again, ‘I think this will be the start of a beautiful friendship. A beautiful friendship indeed’. 

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