Harrys POV
Ella was asleep in my bed, No we did not have sex, we just cuddled and talked.
I really liked this girl but i couldnt tell anyone about it except my mum. She told me to take things slow but i feel like ive rushed things to soon. Maybe i should say to Ella can we start all over again but she will probably take it the wrong way.
Ella wasnt like other girls that ive been with. Taylor was a singer and was okay ish. Me and Caroline had are fun that was it and thats it. I hate it when people call me a manwhore, i dont do that to girls i make sure i look after them and care for them.
Ella i need to make sure i dont let go shes the one for me and the only one.
I know its too soon but you know when the right one comes after a long time of waiting.
Ella's POV
i wasnt really sleeping i was awake and i was full on aware that Harry called me his 4 times and he said i was special right there and then i wanted to say stop what your saying we both know this is a bad idea but i really do like him and trust me these feelings are going to never stop.
Im not sure if im in love but if i am i will say it at the right time.
Ella's Ex Boyfriend POV
She said no to me. She said there was someone else. Of course it was Harry the dick he has no idea what he has got his self into. Im the only one for Ella i know she doesnt see it but i do. I will make sure she is mine and i wont stop till i get her. Now time to call her sister and say Harry Styles has tried it on with her sister lets see what she says about that.
Ella's POV
As soon as Harry left i rang up Emily. The girl i met at the park yesterday to see if she wanted to meet for a coffee after i was done with clearing out everyones room putting a wash on making sure the back garden was cut oh and looking for anything under Louis and Niall's bed.
Emily answered on the 3rd beep.
"Its me Ella. The girl from yesterday."
"OH HEY GURL!!"Haha this girl was something else.
"Hello Emily Horan."I know she likes Niall so.
"oooo i officially love you!So Ella what you doing."I couldnt tell her about One Direction.
"Im going to clear my house out and do my garden i was wondering if you would like too mee-"I was cut off.
"YES PLEASE!!Niall tweeted a minute ago his coming back to LONDON!!I COULD FINALLY MEET MY INSPIRATION YOU NEVER KNOW!!"Hehe.
"Why dont you come over and meet me here."I know you're not aloud to have friends round but fuck it, live while you're young.
"Yes please text me the address and i will be over about 5ish we could go to a club or something?"I couldnt go shit.
"I cant go im.....Not aloud to drink alcohol."Way to go Ella Youve done it again.
"Oh maybe we should just go to starbucks then. Free wifi and all."
"Okay then Emily i goto go.See you later Nialler"
"Bye Boo Bear"I guess my nickname is Boo Bear then. As she put the phone down i decided to start.
I have finally finished. 1 hour till Emily comes over. Niall is home upstairs asleep i think. Louis will be back later and Liam And Zayn i have no idea where they are.
Harry should be back by now and he isnt.
There was a knock at the door when i opened it i saw MY SISTERS!!
Lucy States POV
Ella's ex gave me the address and we was off. When we finally made it i saw the massive house it was nice.
I knocked on the door waiting and then i saw Ella open the door with a big smile on her face. She looked really happy then when she saw us she looked scared.
"Ella, its nice too see you."Rebecca spoke with a calm tone which was sure too turn into an angry one.
"Ella its your choice you can either stay or you can come with us."I said.
Ella's POV
Should i stay or should i go?
"Listen im staying her there is no way you can change my mind."Then suddenly Harry appeared out of no where with a massive bouquet of flowers in his hand. And then some short blonde tart came round the corner and starting snogging Harry.It happened so quickly.
"I think you should give me some time to figure this out really."I slammed the door in my sisters face and ran upstairs.
Should I Stay Or Should I Go.
Authors Note
Sorry for the such short chapter and to be honest im running out of ideas for this story can someone give me some ideas PLEASE!!Love use guys!Keep reading my story.
Love Sian'xx