chapter four : trial and error

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Two weeks, two whole weeks had passed, Dinah and Jay still not saying a word to one another, let alone acknowledging either's existence. Merisi has taken any opportunity she had gotten to try and make them reconcile, not liking the attitude either had towards the other. Em had taken a much different approach, in which she decided to ignore both of them and avoided being at home by staying at her brothers house some nights. Merisi had caught on to what she was doing when William had called her and complained that Em was interrupting his 'client' time. This resulted in Merisi having to drive to William's house late one night and quite literally drag the eldest roommate back to their apartment.

"Dinah, can you help Jay scan the last few boxes? Then you can go home." The supervisors voice
Dinah freezes at this, mentally cursing out her supervisor as she walks past her, sending her a kind and accepting smile. She makes her way, scanner in hand, to the last pallet of boxes, where a determined Jay was crouching, scanner of his own in hand. Too engrossed in getting his job done quicker, Jay fails to realise her presence as he continues to hum the tune to a song who's title had slipped his mind long ago. Dinah feels her eyes begin to roll as she stops them and begins scanning the boxes Jay was yet to reach. Dinah falls into a rhythm, not realising when the humming that she was unconsciously bopping her head to, had come to a stop.
"What are you doing?" He asks, now close behind her, Dinah's back bumping into his chest when she jumps back in shock.
She throws a hand over her heart, exaggerating how startled she was before her eyebrows furrow once again and she sends him a spine chilling glare.
"Supervisor told me to help you finish this palette then I can go home." She explains, spinning on her heels and continuing to scan some boxes, sighing when she realises that they're almost done.
"I don't need your help." Jay replies strictly, shoving past her as he goes to scan as well, knocking against her a little harder than expected, Dinah's scanner slipping out of her hand and onto the floor.
Jay spins around at hearing the noise of something falling and quickly bends down to pick it up, handing it back to the owner shyly.

He holds it out in front of her, shaking his arm a bit in hopes that she would grab it.
"You're an asshole." She growls, snatching it back off him angrily before making her way to clock out, deciding he could finish the last few on his own.
Jay opens and closes his mouth numerous times, trying to find something to say before letting his head hang low when Dinah is no longer in sight.
"Idiot." He says to no one in particular, kicking the almost empty pallet out of frustration.
"If rats were human, they'd all look like Jay." Dinah mumbles angrily to herself and she clocks out and makes her way to the car park, waving at a few colleagues.
She groans when she remembers how far she had parked in hopes of leaving her car under the shade during the day. Dinah begins her slow walk down to her car, adjusting the cap on her head before taking a swig of the water bottle she stole from the fridge that had the word 'MERISI' written on it in black marker.
Her mind trails to the minutes before, fist clenching angrily. Too caught up in her thoughts about how she could ask Em to take Jay out permanently, Dinah is oblivious to the footsteps that seem to be getting closer and closer to her, closing in fast. She realises too late when a hand wraps tightly around her wrist.
"Hey!" Jay says out of breath, quickly ducking when Dinah swings out of self defence.
"What the hell man! Don't do that!" Dinah shouts madly, once again taking a breather.
"Could you not hear me shouting from over there?!" Jay asks angrily, gesturing to the factory entrance that now seemed so far away, Dinah following his gaze.
"Well obviously not genius." She spits harshly, snatching her hand back and rubbing her wrist as she made her way to her car.

Dinah pops the boot open and throws in her backpack, going to close it before something else is thrown in. Dinah's stares at Jay's sports bag and spins around to say something when he bolts to the drivers seat and shuts the door.
"As if you really think I'm going to give your disrespectful self a lift home!" Dinah chuckles, opening the driver door and pointing outside.
"Then let me drive." Jay says simply, belt already secured.
"I'd rather not." Dinah spits back angrily.
"I guess we'll just spend the night in the car park then." Jay says, having absolutely no intentions to move whatsoever.
This only further irritates Dinah who stomps her foot in anger.
"JUST..get out." She calms herself halfway through, not wanting to cause a scene.
"Let me drive us home." He says.
"No." She responds quicker than what Jay had expected.
"Then lets sleep here and just be really early to work tomorrow." He shrugs his shoulders as though the thought didn't mind much to him.
"Get out Jay." She scolds.
"No thankyou." He responds in a teasing manner.
"Jay!" She yells angrily.
"Dinah!" He yells back, using the same tone.
"It's like talking to a brick wall!" Dinah yells angrily, walking away from the car and sitting under a near by tree, grabbing her phone out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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