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Drew and Alex were on the set of recording the closer music video. Alex had always had feelings for drew but he never had the confidence to tell him. When he saw Drew with girls it would break his heart. When Alex saw what the plot of the music video was he BROKE. Alex had to run to the bathroom to mentally prepare himself. "Alex you will not cry, you will not cry" he repeats to himself in the mirror. Once he walks out of the bathroom he sees drew making..out with ..... HALSEY?!? Alex didn't know what to do he just froze. Once he finally gets himself together he sits down. Alex can barely make it through the sight. Eventually he can't handle it anymore he burst out into tears and runs into the bathroom. Drew sees him, Drew gets up and follows Alex into the bathroom. "GO AWAY" Alex screams when he hears drew. Drew puts his hand on Alex's shoulder "Dude, what's wrong" Drew says worryingly. Alex continues to cry. "I want to tell you something" Alex says

"Of course" drew said

"We need to go somewhere more.. private" Alex insisted. Drew and Alex go to an empty room. "I.... I lo— lo" is the only thing alex can say. "Nothing will ruin our friendship, I love you you know that" Drew says as he tries to calm Alex down. Alex hearing that cheered him up. "I - I'm in love with you" alex says as he starts to cry. "Oh" drew says. "And just it was hard for me to watch that just— ugh" Alex sighed. "Okay just you don't have to watch just stay in here" drew says. "Okay" alex says. When drew leaves the room alex burst out into tears. "What have I done" alex cries. "I ruined our friendship, I ruined our band" alex yells. He lays face first into the bed. He hears the door click it's HALSEY?!? Alex wanted to just stab her he couldn't handle it. "Is everything okay" she ask. "NO AND GET THE FUCK OUT" he screams. Drew walks in and pushes her out "Dude chill it's gonna be alright, it's just a music video" drew says. The sound of Drew's Soothing voice calmed Alex down. Drew grabbed a pen and paper he wrote something and put it on the night stand next to the bed. "What is that" Alex asked drew just winked and walked out of the room. Alex picks up the note "I'm so sorry for making you feel this way—- and I wanna tell you something too😙 FLIP". Alex flips the paper "I love you just the same, your just so beautiful and perfect". Alex starts hyperventilating. Once again Drew walks in the room. "I love you" alex says. "I love you too" drew said. Drew goes up to Alex and kisses him on the lips. They both smile at each other.

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