Seven Days Passed

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Seven days passed
Seven days of torture
Seven days of being locked up
Seven days of being in his horrified room

Seven days of feeling mental... trapped and just the thought that I can never escape his breath. Just knowing that I'm going to be here forever, forever stuck his maid just the thought makes me sick...

Seven days of wanting to know that Luna is okay, wanting to know why she wanted to help me... and why Zane thinks I'm not human. I am human but lately I've been craving food and something else which I don't really know what it is but it's not what any human wants to crave I know that for a fact.

Seven days of just thinking what hell he will do to me...

Kill me
Use me

Or even....

Marry me

Now that just makes me even more sicker than I was...

I hear a knock on the door I panic because I'm scared I'm scared on what will be next...
what he's planning to do it must be something big.

I hide under the blankets and close my eyes while I hear someone coming closer and closer to me. My heart is racing...
is this the end I thought to myself

I feel them slowly taking the sheet off me I want to scream but then I open my eyes just a little and it's....


(Key: R- you -Reader
L: Luna
sorry to change it but it's hard typing on a phone)

R: "Luna..... is.. T-that you, are you actually here I thought that Master Zane place you in a cell"

Luna smiles at me nicely with tears in her eyes and down her face, she doesn't look okay. Her hair is messy like it hasn't been brushed for a while and her clothes looked rip and dirty.

L: "yes it's me I'm actually here but... I won't be here for long.... they don't know I'm out of my cell but I really need to talk to you before I go...."

She starts to sit on the bed and hold my hands I'm not sure what's happening, I start to get water in my eyes

R: "what? Why won't you be here for long? And what do you need to tell me?"

She looks like she's trying to be happy you can see it through her eyes that she wants to tell me something but it's not good....

L: "Now (Y/N)..... you know you're changing right..?"

R: " what do you mean changing...? I-I don't understand what do you mean? what's happening Luna"

L: " you know he's change you right..? Into one of them but thats not what's important... the real reason he didn't kill you and the real reason those other vampires captured you.... he knows something he knows you are a human being well use too but you have something special (y/n)"

R: "what... I'm one of them that's impossible I can't I just can't and wha-t do you mean that's not important... why am I special why me"

L: " (y/n) you are -"

We hear clapping in the background.
We turn to see who it was


R: " Zane..."

Z: "miss me my dear (y/n) now for you Luna what are you doing out of your cell..? Mm?"
He smirks

L: " stay away from her Zane"

Z: "miss me Luna well you know I moved on fast and now (y/n) is going to be mine not my maid but my wife... now for (y/n) over there it's best for you to come with me and let my guards deal with Luna"
He smirks again with his hand out saying come to him

R: " no..."

Zane smirk goes away and now he angry

Z: "my dear (y/n) come with me now and I won't punish you much and I promise I won't bite hard if you come with me now"

He steps closer

R: "my answer is no Zane I'll never be yours"

Z: "well then GUARDS"

Three guards come in
And Luna tries to get up and run but the guards catch her before she gets to the door

R: "wait..."
I say with trying to hold back tears
I'm so angry at Zane

Z: " you're too late my love... you've been a bad little girl now as for your friend Luna which is still my fiancée well I should say was my fiancée I want her locked up for good this time and Guards make sure she can't speak this time that's why she got out remember she's a witch.. now go I want to be with (y/n) alone"

The guards put rope round her mouth too keep shut
I try and run and tackle the guards but they push me back and I fell to the ground Luna's eyes connected to mine trying to say it's fine but I can tell it's not.
Zane gets me up and pushes to the bed and chucks me there and once the guards where gone Zane's shuts and locks the door and comes to the bed and sits next to me while he gets chains underneath the bed and puts the chain around my neck and make sure it's tight

Z: "now tell me on what Luna said.. (y/n)"

I stayed quiet

Z: "so you want to play the quiet game fine by me it's just maybe not so good for the people around you or should I just say Luna since you're just found by your self"

R: "keep her out of this Zane"

Zane smirks as he brushes my hair to one side
I started to shiver

Z: "my my darling but why should I not...? And I all ready know some of what Luna told you that you're vampire"

R: " I can't be... it's impossible..."

Zane starts to kiss my neck slowly while talking in between
Z: " well you are and it is possible"

I tried to push him away but he quickly puts his fangs inside my neck and I scream

R: "g-get off me h-how are you ..
drinking m-my


Zane's POV.

she still as tasty as she was a human but I can feel that power she holds inside of her even more now...
I just need to find on what she holds

How am I drinking her blood simple vampires can drink each other's blood it's just that drinking human blood is better for us

And I can't believe my plan is working and everything is coming together just fine now we just have to make sure nothing else gets in my way
And if (y/n) refuses to be with me well I can change her mind with some potions.

But her body is getting weaker and weaker I forget I was drinking from her
How she became a vampire well it's simple really the first day of getting her she technically died and that's when I knew she was powerful I made something clicked inside of her... because it's pretty rare for a human to turn because you need vampire blood to turn in this case her power turn her I saw this kind of power... well read about it anyway in was in one of Lady Irene's books

All well I should let (y/n) gets some rest now because we have a big future planned

Let's see if she will come willingly or I'll have to make her come

Either way I'm going to win

Zane Romeave will rule more than just a kingdom he will rule the world

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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