the frost

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Namjoon POV~♡~

It had been about an hour since I have left my pack house. I was being suffocated by work. I am the head alpha and the only true blood of my pack, the kim pack. I was trying to enjoy my time off when I got a call from my father asking me about my mate yet again.

I havn't found him or her yet but it's not like I've been looking either.

I decided to go for a walk through the woods but for some reason I found myself in a giant field. The snow was falling pretty heavily. The crunch of snow and leaves underneath my feet calmed me .

I was going to head back into the woods to return home when the sleep of roses hit my nose hard. Not just roses though it was sweet like a vanilla scent. Roses and vanila filled my head  and I began following the scent mindlessly.

It took me about ten minutes to find myself standing at a gate of a large two story house. The smell of roses and vanilla was everywhere.

I looked past the gate and saw a man standing there with a hood over his head.

His head was hanging low and his eyes were glued to what seemed like a rose bush.

"Damn frost!!"

He cried out knees hitting the floor I stood there watching as he cried.

I couldn't see his face but his voice was sweet and gentle

Before I could ask him if he was ok a short boy with pink fluffy hair came running outside without a sweater or anything on

"Hyung! What's wrong" he ran to the hooded mans side and as soon as his eyes landed on the frozen roses that stood stiff and dieing his facial expression dropped even more

"Hyung it's ok they will grow back when spring comes"

The pink fluff placed a hand on his shoulder but  he shoved it off

Soon another boy came running outside

"Jimin what's wrong with hyung" his eyes widened as soon as he looked at the roses  a little "oh" escaped his mouth

The pink fluff named jimin shook his head

"He's like this every time this happens, let's give him some time taehyung " 

The aforementioned flashed a  boxy smile and grabbed his hand heading inside leaving the hooded man in the snow.

I came a little closer and as soon as I reached the gate he snapped his head towards me .

He was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

His pale but slightly tanned skin was flawless, his lips were cherry red and plump, his eyes were different colors one blue and one green, even though they were puffy and tear filled they were still bright and sparkley. I had never seen such beauty in pain.

"What are you doing here how did you find us here. What do you want!!"

The beauty in front of me started to panic and yell out of nowhere.

"Hey calm down"

I took a step toward him and he backed away

"You aren't  supposed to be here"

His voice was sweet, i could get lost in it even though he's yelling at me

"Why were you crying?"  I asked him in a tender voice , My question caught him off guard and he looked down at his hands.

"Dont worry about that, why are you here?"

I walked forward and placed my hand on one of the roses

"I caught a scent of something, it was intoxicating and I had to follow it, it lead me to you"

He couldn't hide the huge blush spreading across his cheeks

"May I ask what your name is"

He played with the strings of his hood.

"My name is seokjin but you could call me jin, but ah why are you here what do you want with us."

He started to get impatient with me but I wasn't done.

"Again your scent, it's captivating. You smell like roses and vanilla sweet and romantic"

Again his cheeks flared with red and he hid his face. I grabbed his wrist and pulled it away

"You really are beautiful", I stared deep into his eyes and he looked away

"Don't look at them, they are weird" he shut his eyes tight and Continued to look away.

"What your eyes,they are beautiful"

He looked up at me with wide eyes and I placed my hand on his cheek

There was an electric feeling when we touched

All I wanted to do was to kiss his pretty red lips and call him mine.

He brought his face closer to mine

We were a few inches apart and somehow both of us had shut our eyes without realizing it

Our lips barley brushed and there was a feeling of adrenaline going through both of us

Suddenly he opened his eyes and pushed me away

"No, no we- we cant"

His eyes were flashing a yellow that made his green and blue shine bright

I stood up and smiled gently. My heart was still racing from our slight kiss. I turned my back to him

"Spring is almost here your flowers will come back even more beautiful than the last, I'll be back beautiful mate"

I walked away leaving him baffled.

I called yoongi and jungkook and asked them to meet me at the wolfs blood climb.

Time skip to after they meet up

I paced back and forth nonstop as I'm talking to Yoongi and jungkook.

"Dude sit the hell down your pacing too much" jungkook scoffed with annoyance

"What on your mind is it pack business?"

Yoongi asked while going to light up a cigarette

I shook my head

"Then what could be making you walk around like a horny teenager" jungkook mocked as I sat down

"Oh shut the he'll up you would know all about that would you" Yoongi snapped at him playfully and he just rolled over laughing

"I think I found my mate" .......

And everything went silent

Thats it for this chappy this is a kickoff episode I'll be getting to the yoonmin there will be a lot of vkook moments and namjin moments too so it's not really a yoonmin per say but there's still a lot of good stuff I promise .

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