come back

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Taehyungs POV~♡~

I walked back home naked the chilled wind hitting my bare skin gave me shivers but not as much as that man just gave me

I approached the house and suddenly jin and jimin came running outside to me they both seemed like they were crying

"Oh my God taehyung j was so worried where the hell did you go"

Jin scooped my into his arms and hugged me a little too tight I pushed out of his arms and rolled my eyes

"I went for a run calm down, you smell funny" jins face turned bright red and I looked behind him too see a tall skinny guy that had a little simply smile

I freaked out seeing there was someone else here

"Jin get jimin away there's a man we gotta run" I was prepared to shift and run but him grabbed me and flicked my forehead

"Hey calm down you idiot he's a good guy" jin rolled his eyes and jimin giggled running over to the man

"See even jimin likes him" jin smiled at me and walked over to him

"What the hell is going on here"I asked myself ad I walked to the door eyeing the man standing there

"There is some things I need to talk about with you two,so taehyung you go get dressed and eat breakfast and jimin come help me make some tea ok"jin picked jimin up and took him too the kitchen by seeing how jin was acting with jimin I could tell jimin was being a brat today so I didn't question it I'm older than him but he could throw a tantrum like no other

After I ate we all sat in the living room drinking the Jasmine tea jin made

Jin was sitting with the man on one couch and me and jimin was sitting with each other on the other facing them

"Well boys I never did discuss these things with you because o thought that we would be in hiding for the rest of our lives but, uum"

I was getting impatient with him when he gets nervous he stutters and hesitate seven he speaks and I honestly wanted to go back to sleep

"Get on with it jin I don't want to be here longer than I have to be this dude is creeping me out" I pointed to the side that he was sitting with

Out of nowhere jins eyes flashed a slightly but obvious red and he raised an eyebrow...uh oh...

"You listen here I am not only your hyung but your eomma and you will respect me and my mate!!" The teacup he was holding shattered and he snapped out of his angry rant

Jimin and I both had our ears planted down on our heads my tail went limp all of a sudden and jimin had his wrapped around his waist

"I'm sorry boys I don't know what came over me" he swept the broken cup into a pile and sighed

"Wait what do you mean mate"I burst out very confused at him

His face blushed and he began to stutter again

"Well, i-i uh, I never told you guys but you have a mate that yoir inner soul and wolf crave and can't live without you will love them and need them, and add omegas we carry and deliver babies"

I squinted my eyes and stood up

"You mean to tell me I'm bound to someone I don't even know well how will I even know when I find my mate" jin just looked over at the man and smiled

"This man's name is namjoon and he is my mate I know you are confused and I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner but when you find your mate the smell of them is so strong and intoxicating that you melt when to they are bear, when you touch them it's like you get tingles ecefgejrre and when they speak to you it's the sweetest sound you could imagine" his blushed face found it's way into namjoons neck in embarrassment

All of a sudden jimin gasped and stood up

"Jinnie, I think I found my mate" him laughed at him a bit waving a hand in dismissal

"Baby you don't ever leave the house unless your going to get stuff from the garden or when I take you on walks not that taehyung listens to that but how could you have" jimins face flushed bright red and he started playing with his sweater paws

"Well last night when I went to go get the veggies there was a big wolf like really big like seven times my size and  he smelled really good, my eyes did a word thingy too, oh and when he locked me I felt all tingly like you said but it was different from when you or tae lick me , what does this mean will i see him again" jimin rambled nervously getting was at the last part

Jins eyes were as wide as tea cup saucers and his mouth was wide open

"W-well jiminie it does sound like you found your mate and he sounds like an alpha, and since you found him your wolfs going to be craving for him and his is gonna crave for you so he'll probably be back sooner or later"

Jimin nodded and smiled a big eye smile that shot innocence into your heart

I thought about the man from earlier could he be my mate, he was really hot, he made me feel good, but I don't know him

I dismissed my thoughts and tried to ignore the obvious heat coming from my face

"Are you gonna take jin away from us?"

Namjoon and him looked at me wide eyes and shocked

"No,no taehyung I would never do that I know you need him so I won't take him but I need him too so you'll has to get used to seeing me around"

I nodded my head before pulling out my phone

"I'm gonna go to sleep in tired from getting up early" him nodded his head and before I could walk away I felt jimin tugging at my clothes

He showed me his crooked tooth in a smile and pulled me again

"Hyung can I go take a nap with you in sleepy" I nodded my head and he scrambled up the stairs to my room

When we laid down jimin laid his head in my chest and he had his arms around me

"Jiminie, how do you feel about being an omega and finding your mate?"

He lifted his Head and looked at me innocently

"Well I was uncomfortable learning that I could carry babies but I like it I would be a good mommy and I really wanna see him again i get exited thinking about him" his tail started going at 100mph and his ears stood tall

"I can tell now sleep jimin"he nuzzledhis face deeper into my chest and we fell asleep with out mates on our minds.

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