she walks like velvet and reeks of rain
dainty feet suffocated by mighty trunks embossed in steel wool
her brutish visage scarred and strictly abstract, not without beauty
she floods the hallway hanging legged snakes and flightless doves each dripping with her velvet velour
each so incredibly useless if not to cloud the mind
if not to distract from the pencil in your throat
a simple loan nothing more
her voice so clearly a flimsy imitation of a pseudo aphrodite; betraying her her bardish etat d'êtreyet, i find i can't look away despite my honest demure
i'm a devout disciple. i worship in placid fascination never to know lies beyond her impossible veili know one day the bloodied kerchief will fall and the snake will feast on the maggoty doves and her loans will be withdrawn and shrouded in smoke and rags she'll retreat to her 5 o'clock shadow and crooked spoon rotting in the river banks of illinois or santa fe
ginsberg and benzodiazepines
Poetrypoetry, pathetic prose, perhaps prayers and promises