Inner Self (Chapter 6)

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"Where am I?" You woke up looking around to see your surroundings. You was in an dark alley full of empty boxes. The last thing you remember was talking to your father then after that it's all blank to you.

All you see was buildings after buildings that was tall as a skyscraper. You think you can hear traffic and voices close to you, but your hearing isn't all too well as of right now. You don't  know where the hell you're at this town doesn't seem familiar to you.

So you tried to follow the noises you are hearing to see where you are at least find someone that can tell you. It took you a few minutes to finally find the exit out of the alley. Seems like you was behind more than one building. Finding the street corner something felt strange to you. Like you felt power from the town.

Power that you haven't felt before like this power is evil something you haven't felt since you fought your mother after taking your grandfather's powers. The civilians who are walking by aren't paying any attention to you.

"Hey where am I?" You ask a guy who was about to walk by you.

He just mumbles and keeps on walking like he didn't even hear you. So you run up to him to try to speak to him again.

"Hey Mister where am I?" You ask the second time.

"Death all death! Run away gotta run!" He takes off running this time.

"Wait!" You called after him, but he was already too far ahead to hear you.

"What does he mean by death? Why is this town feels off? What is this power you feel?  He took off like he saw a ghost even though he didn't look at you at all." There is so many questions that needs to be answered, but so little time it seems.

You start walk towards where the guy took off too. You look at the road yet there was no vehicles even though you knew you heard some. "Maybe not a busy street?" You thought.

"Hello my friend." You heard a familiar voice behind you. This voice felt like you actually heard it a few minutes ago. You turn around and you thought you was going crazy. The person speaking was yourself.

"Who are you?" You ask yourself.

"I am you, but I am myself. This is what you will become. Or rather you will become me." He replies.

You notice he was actually you, but his hair was fully white and he wasn't even in your monster form or his monster form. "Is this what I'm supposed to become?"

"You may be wondering how I am talking to you or rather my past self. See you are actually aren't here just say you are still trapped in a cell room for your protection. I'm talking to you from your mind." He said.

"What is this place? And there is no way I will become like you."

"This place is what will come to the world, you won't be able to stop it. And yes you will, who cares what happens to your family. You will enjoy every minute of it." He laughs.

"Then I will stop it myself." You snarl.

"Bring it family killer." He laughs again.

You started fight yourself. Kinda weird doing so, because he knew every move you was going to pull, but you also knew what he was going to do as well. You knew you had to think of something else to beat him. Then you thought the perfect plan.

"Alright I give up." You breathe hard from the fighting.

"I told you that you wouldn't win." He puts a hand on your shoulder.

"Yet, you forgot who we are or who I am. I don't give up easy." You shove your fist through yourself and rip the beating heart out."

"You actually beat me. How did I lose?"

"Because even if I went evil, I would never hurt my family . You could have taken over my body, but my mind would still be intact. No one can take over my mind. What you made me say really killed me. This is the final goodbye mother may you rest in peace."

The figure who standing in front of you return to the real from of your mother. You thought she was dead, but the power you felt was her. She only survived, because she enter your body when she died. Then everything stated fading away.

You woke up back in your cell with your father leaning over you. His face looks terrified as he thought he was going to lose you forever.

"Hello father." You smile.

"Son? Are you ok? You was screaming  in your sleep."

"I feel better now. It was mother again." You tell him.

"I know son, I felt that she inside of you boy. So what happen?"

"I finally destroyed her."

"Good, and I think you should go home now. Kurumu really needs you badly." Your father helps you get up and leads you away from the cell.

-Few minutes later-

You arrived back at your place. Your father dropped you off he didn't think you he able to drive home the way you was feeling. He tells you to go easy on Kurumu if she says anything hurtful she been through a lot from what has happen.

You knew exactly what he meant. You remember every word that came out of your mouth, but you couldn't stop it. You just pray to God that Kurumu can forgive you for everything. You open your front door and waved your father off.

"I'm home!" You shout

"Darky!" You heard Kurumu running down the stairs.

"Hi baby." You smile.

Kurumu runs up to you and jumps on top of you.

"Is it really you?" She asks.

"It's really me."

Kurumu starts kissing you all over the face while crying at the same time. Her tears was coming out hard which made you start crying as well. You start kissing her back.

"I thought I was going to lose you." She starts crying harder after she stopped kissing you.

"You will never lose me baby, but I know what I want." You rub her cheek and wipe her tears.

You quickly grab Kurumu and picked her up to carry her all the way upstairs.

"What are you doing?" She giggles.

"Our bed is calling for me, and I need a goodnight rest with the woman that I love dearly." You kiss her neck.

So your mother was hiding in your body this whole time. You wasn't actually becoming evil her plans went down the drain.

Kurumu was excited to see you. With her tears and kisses you knew she happy to have you back home.

Sorry for the long wait on the chapter, I got busy. If you have enjoyed this chapter you know what to do. Love you all.

The Succubus's Child. (Kurumu X Reader Volume 2)Where stories live. Discover now