Stuck In The Middle

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Ellis POV

Mika won't tell me what he got and i'm starting to get worried. Maybe he got better than me and didn't want to look like he was boasting. Either way, I just want him to tell me. Well anyway, i get to see his house so i'm really excited. His family are from Lebanon so Mika warned me that they may speak in a different language, Arabic or French, they lived in France for a while so they speak french too! I like that. I love it when people speak different languages. I love Mika's accent so I think I will love his language too! 

Mika POV

I don't really want to take Ellis to my house I have 5 siblings; 4 sisters and 1 brother. (Paloma, Zulieka, Yasmine, Chelsea and Fortuné). Chelsea is the only one younger than me, she's 13 and loves to make fun of me. She is the most annoying person in my family. Sometimes, I want to sit at the piano and play some keys and see what I can do however, she just pushes me off and plays herself and she's very talented but it means I can never play, which is annoying. She shares a room with me and I can hardly ever sleep, I want to get her moved in with one of the girls instead because Zulieka has a room to herself, but none of them want to share with her. The nice thing is though she won't sleep unless she is with me, it's cute, I know, but she just doesn't let me sleep. I just hope she doesn't do anything to Ellis. 

"iinaa fa albayt" (I'm Home)

"maykil yumkinuk 'an tafeal al'atbaq allaylata, 'uwh kunt qad jalabat sadiqan? ma 'asamaha?" (Michael can you do the dishes tonight, oh you have brought a friend? what is her name?)

"aismuha 'iilays 'umiyun. yumkinuna altahaduth biallughat al'iinjliziat ela alrghm min, 'aetaqid 'iilis yasheur bieadam alairtiah qalilanaan" (Her name is Ellis mum. Can we speak in English though, I think Ellis feels a little uncomfortable)

"Yes of course, Hello Ellis, I am Michael's mother but if you like you may call me Joannie."


"Mum i'm just going to take Ellis to my room, please try not to let Chelsea up..."

"Okay, I will try, is she staying for dinner?"

"Ellis do you want to?"

"Yeah sure thank you Mrs Penniman."

"No problem Ellis, it's tradition in Lebanon not let a guest leave without eating something"

We get to my room and Chelsea is sitting on our piano playing. Ellis just stands there in awe of my younger sister's talent.

" I guess it runs in the family Meeks."

Chelsea stops playing and stares at me embarrassed.

"Michael, is that your girlfriend you keep talking about, what's her name... Ellis?"

I rub my neck and blush

"I do not have a girlfriend Chelsea."

"You do to! Ellis have you kissed my brother yet?!"

Yasmine runs in...

"Mika, you have.. a ...girlfriend?!! Hey girls come to Chelsea's room, Mika has a girlfriend!"

Paloma and Zulieka rush in...

"But Mika, We always thought you ... were..."

"Yeah girls I know, she's just my friend okay!"

They all leave including Chelsea.

"Finally we are alone. So what do you want to do?"

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"Hm, oh yeah, um.... what did you get?"

"Fine. I got an A*."

"Why didn't you tell me, that's amazing!"

"I'm just going to the bathroom."

"Mika, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, i'm just constantly stuck in the middle in this house."

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