Chapter 1

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Taylor's POV

Oh god I'm so happy my mom isn't home cause then I wouldn't be able to go see chris collins in HAWII. I thought I would never meet him. Oh wow it's almost time for my flight to HAWII. I grab my suit case and head for the door. I hale a taxi a mile down the ride cause I live in New York. I get to the airport and give the attendant my ticket and take my seat.

I sat next to a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes. Hi my name it talia who are u. Oh hi I'm umm Taylor. So .... Taylor where ya headed. Well I'm headed to meat chris collins. Oh my god so am I hey u know he's having a contest for someone to win 3 whole days to hang out with him. No way well I'm going to sign up are u. Well duh taylor I mean who isn't. Hahaha I know right.

My flight ends 6 HOURS LATER. Wow I'm tired I got to get to my cousins house and unpack. My mom was on a business trip for 5 months cause we might move to Canada and I'm supposed to stay with my cousin anyways. My cousin is 3 years older than me he is like my best friend. But also he's more like a protective military dad only when it comes to boys or anyone hurting me.

Chandler POV (aka my cousin )

Hey tay. Hey ducky ( that's my nick name for him the way he got it .......... Long story). So tay what's up I herd something about your ( YouTube crush ) coming to HAWII hahaha. Ya ducky umm I was wondering if I could go. Fine with me tay tay just don't do anything stupid like tackle him ok. Haha ok ducky she says in a very cute tone.

Taylor's POV

I go upstairs in my room that Is at my cousins house and take a shower and go to bed.

Chris's POV

Wow I can't believe I'm actually having this contest idk about hanging with a fan girl who knows what she might do to me. All I wanna do now is go to sleep because of how much traveling was going on. In the matter of 4 months I'll be going back to canada. I'm staying in HAWII do to my recording of new YouTube videos with awesomeness tv and visiting relatives so ya this is the biggest deal I've had. ***** tv goes off **** alarm sounds on tv.

Channel 3 action news

** well expect a big storm for HAWII in 3 days also for the following states that may be affected - California - Washington - Alaska - Arizona - Louisiana - Oregon - Nevada - Utah - New Mexico. Stay tuned for details.


Hopefully it's not to bad I mean it probably going to be. Oh well I need to get some sleep for tomorrow it's already 11:00.

Taylor's POV

Chandler got me up at 10:00 at night for some reason. Tay come on the tv the news .... Uhh just get up and come down stairs. Ok ok chan hold on. I get up and put my robe on and go downstairs. TAY this is some big ass storm heading our way. Well chandler what do we do. Umm oh I know well first thing tomorrow I'll drop u off at the park to meet chris and I'll go to the store to stock up on food since the storm will be here in about .... 3 days. 3 days chan really why couldn't of u told me this tomorrow chan I'm going back to bed if your done over exadurating. Good night. Tay what if this becomes bad.GOOD NIGHT CHANDLER. Ok TAY.

Tomorrow morning

Taylor's POV

Uhhhhh wAAAAA today's the day I meet Chris collins. I get up take a quick shower curl my hair. Brush my teeth. Put on some white skinny jeans with a Miley Cyrus red 23 shirt that a little to big to fit but still looks cute. And some red vans. I get chandler up and he drives me to swaheele park. I get out and give him a quick hug signaling him to leave. After he left I went inside the parks rest stop to use the bathroom. I came out and saw the sign up sheet for win a date with Chris collins. I read it and it said u had to be 16 to apply and ..... I was 15. I applied anyways cause I never win anything. I walk out of the rest area and go up to the signing booth and saw Chris collins. Ahhhh my whole world stoped as I looked at him.

I stoped day dreaming when he looked at me and smiled. I gave him a quick smile and ran away. But sooner or later when everyone was over signing up for the win a date I went up to the signing booth. H- h -hi chris. Oh hi how's your day so far. Oh I-I- Its fine. Well would u like me to sign something for u. Ummm sure can u sign my hat. Sure. He signed my hat and we talked for a couple minutes until the announcer announced that it was time to pick the winner for the win a date with chris collins. He got up and said well it was nice talking to u hopefully I will see u around. I smiled and whispered to myself I hope I see u too. He walked over on stage next to the sign up booth and said hi. I frowned knowing I wouldn't win so I started to walk out of the area. When I herd the announcer call my name. I stopped and turned around. The announcer called my name agian. Taylor woodmont. I'm right here sir. I saw chris look over at me and smile. I saw him get up and walk over to me. Hey beautiful he said looking into my blue eyes. Hi I said still shocked of what just happened. Well come on he said while putting his arm around my waist. So are u shy he asked me. Umm y y yes really espesisialy around cute guys. I looked up at him and he smiled well you'll have to get used to it you will be with me for 3 days. I smiled big while looking at the floor.

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