Chapter 2

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Chris's POV

I can't believe I'm going through with this they are just about to announce the winner. TAYLOR WOODMONT. I looked around and didn't see her. They called again and I herd someone near the door say I'm right here. I looked over and saw the girl I was talking to earlier. Oh my god she was hot with dem white jeans on. I walked over to her. Hey beautiful. We had a mini convo and I took her by the waist then pulled her over to the signing booth with me. Well u can sit in my lap. It's ok she said. No I insist where else would u sit. Idk I guess on the floor she says. Nah just sit. She sat in my lap and I smiled to myself. I signed the rest of the girls stuff and it was 7:00. I said well are u ready to go back to the hotel. Ummm ya but we have to stop by my house on the way so I can get some clothes is that ok umm ya come on. We walked to my car and got in. We pulled into her drive way. So u wanna come in ," she said. Umm sure. I walk in as she goes and gets clothes. I look around and see photos of her and what I guess is her brother. God she looked so cute as a baby. There was 1 picture that caught my eye. It was of her on A elephant what's seems to be in Africa or something. It looked like it was taken a month ago or something. I turned around to what sounded like a gun being loaded. I turned around and a guy was standing in front of me with a gun on my head. He said who are u and why are u in my house. I yelled Taylor's name. She came rushing down.

Taylor's POV

Oh my god chandler what are u doing. And where the hell did u get the gun. He said it doesn't matter what matters is why the fuck is this guy here. Chandler put the gun down and I'll tell u. He put the gun down. Chris goes Taylor who the hell is this guy. Chandler cuts him off and goes I'm her god damn cousin u gotta problem with that. Umm no not at all Chris says wide eyes. Chandler this is Chris .... Chris collins. Ahhhh your little YouTube crush. Chandler ," I say while punching him in the arm. Wait chandler where did u get the gun. Tay can't a man have a gun without a reason. I say ummm no. He laughs. Sorry about that dude just when some ones in my house I go all insane cowboy on them. Yo it's cool dude u obviously made a mistake. Nah nah Man U are Chris ... Chris collins I'm sorry man. Nah I'm sorry. OK OK WE KNOW YOU GUYS ARE BOTH SORRY NOW CHRIS IF U TWO LOVE BIRDS ARE DONE COULD WE GO. My cousin goes .. Phhhh man girls and their periods these days. I turn around wide eye and give Chandler a gnarly stare while me and Chris walk out. We get into the car and drive to a sea food restraunt called Na Shabaka ( yes that's a weird name for a restraunt ). Chris pulled the chair out for me and I sat down.

So what are u gunna order Chris asks. Oh maybe just a stake. Well I think I'm gunna get shrimp And would u share salad with me Chris asks. Umm ya sure. We order our food and a salad to go with it. After I eat my stake Chris gets the salad they brought us and he got a fork with some salad on it. Here he said as he puts it close to my mouth to feed me. I open and eat it after I swallow I say thanks dad. He looks at me and smiles ten takes a bite and laughs. I got another fork and got some lettus and got Chris's attention. He looks at me then I put one side of the lettus in my mouth and eat it slowly like a cow. He laughs and does it two we both look at each other and make cow sounds. He swallows and goes your a really funny girl. I look at him and smile and lean on the side of the table and go I know then I fall onto the floor. Chris goes oh my god are u ok. I get up and go I'm good with a finger up. He helps me up and I sit down. I go wow these tables are flimsy. He goes ya especially because they are glass and laughs looking at me stupidly. We look up at the tv playing the news.

News channel 3

*** get ready for some rain tonight cause the rain is coming in early. Big thunder storm so watch out for lighting and be safe ********

End of announcement

Wow Chris a thunder storm. Ya don't worry babe you'll be safe as long as your around me he says while putting his arm around my waist while kissing my cheek.

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