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"Whoa!" Gray yelled in excitment when they drove through a closed gate and broke it. Y/n and Zach laughed along with him. "Okay, that's it. Were safe now." Zach said, looking over at his two favourite people. But they didn't return a smile. "I think you should rephrase that." Y/n said, pointing at the rear view mirror. Zach looked at it, and saw hundreds of pterodactyls flying above the trees behind them. "Go, go, go!" Y/n and Gray both yelled.

"Oh shit!" Zach said and started driving faster

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"Oh shit!" Zach said and started driving faster. Y/n and Gray looked back, staring at the flying giants. "Are they carnivours?" Gray asked, grabbing y/n's hand in fear. "They mostly eat fish, but they can be very, very aggressive." y/n explained quickly, "We don't want to be near when they attack. Go faster Zach!" He obeyed and drove even faster.

Soon, the stone walls that protected the main resort appeared. They noticed two security guards standing on top of it. "Open the gates!!" all three yelled, waving at them. The two security guys laughed at first, but then saw the giant flock of flying monsters coming towards the park. They opened the door for the kids and let them in.

Barry was there and he saw y/n in the car, drive past him. Knowing that Owen went looking for her, he called him emediatley on his woki toki: "Owen! I saw y/n! She was heading to the main street with those two boys!"

Owen was washed with relief: "Thank you Barry!" he turned to Claire, "They're okay. They're heading to the main street!"
"Oh thank god!" Caire said, relieved as well. Owen looked around and saw a quadbike. He sat on it, turning on the engine"Jump on." he told Claire and they drove to the resort.

Y/n, Zach and Gray got onto main street. Chaos was everywhere. People were running around, sreaming, falling.

Pterodactyls were flying around, grabbing people, attacking them and biting them

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Pterodactyls were flying around, grabbing people, attacking them and biting them. "Come on! We need to get inside!" Y/n yelled, pulling the boys after her. They ran, avoiding people and dinosaurs, trying to find a building to get into. 

They all stopped when they got to the lagoon. They watched the crowds of people being killed. All three were just speachless and frozen in fear. They saw a woman get picked up by one of the pterodactyls and carried away. The dinosaur dropped her and she fell into the lagoon. Her screams echoed across the park. The three turned around and saw her get picked up by a pterodactyl, but then they both got eaten by the mosasaurus. Shock and fear was obvious on their faces. They didn't know where to go.

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