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"Mintfeather? You died?"

"Of course he did, you mouse-brain! He wouldn't be here otherwise!"

"Be nice."


"Mintfeather, wake up." The blind tom slowly pried open his eyes and blinked before gasping in shock. He could see! Before him stood a group of starry figures, and he tried to pick each apart by scent.

"Dawnstar? Larksong? Speckledfern?" he muttered to himself as his eyes glanced over the older cats that had joined Starclan many moons ago. "Robinheart? Darkstar? Antpelt?!" His eyes widened in shock upon seeing the other three in front of him. "Where am I?!"

"You're in Starclan, my precious kit," Larksong mewed soothingly, resting her tail on Mintfeather's shoulder.

"You just died, beetle-brain," Antpelt sighed in exasperation, rolling his ice blue oculars.

"I did...?" Mintfeather murmured in shock, unable to comprehend the news. If he was dead, then... "I'm in Starclan?"

"Yes," Dawnstar nodded his head at the tom. "You're in Starclan."

"But that means-" Mintfeather began before cutting off and turning away from them, frowning. "What about the clan? What about my apprentice?"

"They'll be fine," Robinheart said, glancing at the other Starclan warriors. "There's a reason why we've gathered, by the way."

"Huh?" Mintfeather glanced at Robinheart with confusion, and the others stared at the other tom with curiosity.

"Robinheart told us you had something you wanted to speak about?" Larkpool asked, and when Mintfeather locked gazes with his friend, he noticed the bright gleam in his eyes. He knew exactly what Robinheart was talking about. Mintfeather swallowed the growing lump in his throat and glanced around at everyone.


"I-I..." he stammered nervously, shuffling his paws. "I-I haven't exactly... been honest..."

"What do you mean?" Darkstar asked, and she exchanged glances with Antpelt. "What haven't you been honest about?"

"Well, I..." Mintfeather began, flattening his ears against his head as his heart began to pound faster in his chest. He was sure everyone could hear it from where they stood, and he averted his gaze from his parents and friends.

"It's okay, Mintfeather," Robinheart reassured, giving him an encouraging look. "Tell them. Tell them everything."

"...okay..." Mintfeather mewed before taking a deep breath and sitting tall.

"The truth is..."

Mintfeather's TruthWhere stories live. Discover now