Chapter 1

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I looked at the others along the line. Their eyes watching the man in front of us, except for one girl who was on her phone. I looked at the man "How about you put that phone away and listen?" he told the girl. She scoffed and put her phone in her pocket "Right so this is your chance to do something positive, to give something back." he began "There are people out there who think you're scum, and this is your opportunity to show them they're wrong."

"But what is they're right?" I looked at a guy with short dark brown hair who stood between a tall curly haired guy and the girl who was on her phone. "I mean, maybe some of us are just born criminals" He pointed to a guy who looked like a right prick. His face pale, a cap hiding his short hair.

"You looking to get stabbed?" The guy threatened.

"You see my point?" His Bolton accent slicing through each word.

"It doesn't matter about what you did in the past. Community service can help you change into something better." The man in front of us said and the girl who was on her phone's, phone started to ring. She answered it.

"Hiya" She said threw chewing gum. "Just doing my community service, boring as fuck."

"Will you please hang up?" The probation worker - the man in front of us - ordered. I looked at the others who just kept quiet before looking back at the other two guys from before. The Bolton guy kissed the air in front of the prick's face.

"I will cut open your throat and shit down your neck" The guy spat. 

"This is bullshit, I shouldn't be here" A younger guy said, who was wearing a snap back.

"Should of thought of this before you fucked up" I told him, my Australian accent strong.

"Nice accent, seen any kangaroos?" I looked at the Bolton guy.

"I'll second that throat slicing in a minute" I growled at him and he chuckled.

"Will you all shut up?!" The probation worker barked.

"I think she likes me!" Bolton boy nudged the prick and he lost it. He grabbed the collar of Bolton boy's orange jumpsuit. The probation worker grabbed the prick and dragged him inside while Bolton boy laughed at him.

There were eight of us all together, six boys, two girls in this group. 

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