Powerful. That is the first word you think of when you think Vanessa González. After seeing her you would notice how stunning she is. Every person looks up when she walks into the room. You might wonder if this was a dream, but Vanessa González was...
A loud bang boomed through the walls of my office. The sound came from my hands slamming down on the table from anger and fear. My paranoia grew as I thought of the Viper's possible plan. My sense of foreboding grew as I thought back on the man killing my friend. His laughter echoes in my ears everywhere I go. Regret surged when I pictured Sara's family again.
I decided to go to the gym and work out to relieve my stress. Usually I would go to Sara's but I couldn't anymore. Shaking my head I wrapped my hands to box. Boxing has always been my favorite thing to do. There is something about it that seems to relax me. I started punching the bag. I didn't hit too hard because I didn't want to bruise my knuckles. Then I started to lose control. I started thinking about losing my best friend. I started to think about letting her murderer roam free. I started to remember getting covered in her blood. The sound of her screams replayed in my head over and over. Until I punched the bag so hard it busted. Sand spilled all over the floor and I just watched it. I walked over to a new bag and steadied my breathing. My lungs were hurting and my hands were already bleeding. But I didn't stop, in fact I didn't want to. I wasn't ready. I could still feel the anger in my bones and I just wanted release. Is that too much to ask for? Apparently it is because I was interrupted.
"Boss", Adam called but I just hummed in response.
"You have a meeting about the next shipment in 15 minutes."
"Cancel it", I demanded like I said I wasn't ready.
"I can't do that boss and you know it. This is an important meeting and you already rescheduled it once"
"Fine Adam. Let me just get dressed. You can go up and tell them I'm running late." I turned around and saw Adam look at my body. He noticed me looking at him and coughed before quickly leaving. I was used to this and most girls are. I couldn't sit here and tell you I was average. I have curves in all the right places. A body girls would dream to have. A big boobs, small waist, big butt and proud of it. I work out four times a week to keep my body in shape. I eat a healthy balanced diet. Even though I am proud of my body, I still hate being cat called. Especially when it's inappropriate. Who asks a woman walking down the street if she gets freaky in bed. I mean seriously feel free to tell me you like my outfit but don't tell me how you want me on your bed.
Anyways, I went to the mini locker room I had and took a quick shower. Then I got dressed and put my hair up. I still smelled slightly of sweat since I couldn't take a thorough shower. I didn't care much, my main focus was this meeting.
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The meeting ended and everything was set for the shipment. Although I couldn't get rid of the eerie feeling in my stomach. Before I could do anything else the door to my office opened.
"Yes" I questioned not bothering to look up.
"Are you Vanessa" Realization struck that this was a complete stranger and my instincts kicked in. Click. The safety was off my gun now and I spoke with extreme caution. "Yes I am may I ask who you are".
"My name is Jackson. I am in dire need of a job. So I came to join your business", the man said putting air quotes around the word business.
"Why should I let you join? I don't need more workers. What can you provide that I might need?"
"I am a very good fighter and marksman. I can speak 15 different languages including sign language, Spanish, French and more. I am a quick learner and stay calm under pressure. I would love to work for you because you are great at what you do." He was confident but not over confident. My father also taught me 20 languages and not many of my members speak more than 2 so that was impressive.
"You realize that if I say no I have to kill you because you saw my face" I informed him.
This must have been news to him because the terror in his eyes was undeniable. "Vanessa I promise I won't let you down. I need this job more than anything."
"Ok you're in but let me go over the rules with you. Rule one, you refer to me as boss unless told other wise. Rule two, do not ever disrespect me. Rule three, no one and I mean absolutely no one gets raped. If I find out you so much as groped a man or woman without their permission I will kill you, without mercy. And trust me I will find out." Torture is a thing I have witnessed many times but rape is a new level of torture. A torture I believe no one deserves. He must have understood everything because he nodded his head the whole time. "Show up early tomorrow and meet Adam. He will show you around and tell you your responsibilities. If you have any questions ask Adam. If you need help with a task go to Adam. I don't usually see people from the division you will be working in unless I fire them. I can assure you that getting fired is not a good thing."
He thanked me multiple times before finally leaving my building. The first thing I did was go to a room I was absolutely sure he hadn't been in. Something was fishy about this guy and I feared he planted bugs in my office. I picked up my phone and called Adam.
"Hey Adam I need you to find out everything you can about the guy that just left. Also send people to check my whole building for bugs"
"No problem Vanessa what's up"
"He wants to join the gang but something about his timing is off to me"
"Alright the tech team will be over in 15 minutes"
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This isn't really a great place to stop my I didn't have good inspiration for this chapter sorrrryyy. :(