Chapter 6

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(Y/N): Before we start I want to make this a little interesting.

Riser: How so?

(Y/N): I'll start off at your level, and gradually increase in power through out the fight. But, if you bored me or don't give it your all, I'll end you in an instant.

Riser: Don't worry, Riser won't disappoint.

Riser POV

Riser thought: Even Riser isn't dumb enough to think Riser will win. But if Riser can impress him or gain some shred of respect from him, even a little. Then it's good enough for Riser.

3rd POV in the watching room

Issei: What's with his grin, does he think he can win?

Rias: I don't think that's it.

Asia: What do you mean?

Rias: It's not his usual cocky grin, it's almost like-

Ophis: Acceptance.

Issei: What?

Ophis: He's accepted the fact that he can't win, but it seems he still wants something.

Akeno: What do you think it is?

Tiamat: Personally, I think he's trying to gain (Y/N)'s respect.

Issei: Why would he want to do that?

Ophis: Think about it, gaining the respect of a God, even if you're killed by that God, is an honor.

Tiamat: It's not going to be easy, (Y/N) isn't easily impressed.

Ophis: But that's why he made those conditions, to give Riser more time.

Lady Phoenix: So all we can do is hope?

Ophis: If by "we" you mean you, your husband, and Riser peerage, then yes.

In the arena

(Y/N): So me being the nice person I am-

In watching room

Issei: THAT'S A LIE!

Tiamat: You better make him shut up red, or else.

Rias: I-Issei please s-stop talking.

Issei: ...ok.

Back to arena

(Y/N): I'll give you the first attack.

Grayfia: mach start in 3

Riser got into a Stace

Grayfia: 2

Riser created fire in both hands and they were growing.

Grayfia: ...1, start!

Start music now or whenever you feel it's right.

Riser flew into the air and created a giant ball of fire and threw it at (Y/N).

Riser flew into the air and created a giant ball of fire and threw it at (Y/N)

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