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 "MAGCON?" I scream and everyone at the table jumps a little.

Everyone is silent.

"Ha! You've got to be kidding me?" I snort in disbelief.

"I am not." Chad shakes his head.

"No." I say, wiping the disbelief from my face and replacing it with pure anger.

"Yes, Collin. Chad and I are having a honeymoon and you won't be able to stay here alone. So stop arguing and get packed because you are leaving in two days whether you like it or not." Mother takes major control.

"I said no." I shake my head, defeat already seeping into the conversation.

"I SAID YES AND THAT IS THE END!" Mother booms, scaring the piss out of Hayes, who sat quietly beside her, smashing her open palm against the table.

"Sorry, honey." she pats the side of his arm as she goes to sit back down.

 I turn to leave as the happy little family continues their nice little dinner. I stomp up the stairs and turn down the hallway leading up to my bedroom before I realize that someone's following me.

"Just go away, Mother. I will be the perfect little daughter to add to your perfect new family and I'll do just what I'm told but I will not be happy about it." I continue down the dark hall.

"I'm not your Mom and our family isn't perfect. I was told to come and 'check on you'. Make sure you aren't crying." I hear Hayes's snarky reply and groan audibly.

"I am not some little baby who need checking up on." I turn and glare at him.

"Well, you sure acted like one in there." Hayes returns my glare with a smirk.

"Fuck you, dickweed." I shake my head and open my door and closing it behind me.

"You wish." he says and I already can see the damn look on his face.

Oh Brother~H.G FanficWhere stories live. Discover now