Chapter 17. Almost

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No ones P.O.V.

Hoseok woke everyone up and making sure that they all walked to their bedroom. Jungkook was held back by Namjoon. They both walked towards his office and sat down.

"Tell me Jungkook what happened while we were gone"

Jungkook was still waking up while yawning every minute "Yoongi attacked Y/N but Jimin and I solved the problem" he said while slowly closing his eyes again.

"WHAT?!" Namjoon yelled waking Jungkook up and making him almost fall of the chair.

Namjoon mindlinked Vince to come to his office. After 3 minutes he came in and looked shocked that his alpha didn't looked pleased. "Yes alpha" he said

"You lied to me about that night and now you will be punished" Namjoon said while his red eyes were shining. Jungkooks and Vince their eyes did the same.

Namjoon walked towards Vince and punched him hard in his stomach, Vince almost fell while coughing up blood. He took another hit in his face and broke his nose instantly while hitting the wall with his back. Vince was now barely conscious and looking down not daring to see his alpha in the eyes. Namjoon walked closer while growling at him. he lifted Vince up by his throat and smashed him against the wall a few times until he was out. Vince was covered with blood and surly broken a lot of bones that would take a few days to heal, the strength of an alpha is way more dangerous than anyone of the pack. 

"Jungkook, let him sleep in the cellar" Namjoon said while walking towards his own bedroom. Jungkook did what he was asked to do.

Y/N P.O.V.

I woke up feeling arms around my waist, it was warm and comfortable so I stayed there for a bit. After I fully awoke I turned my head around to see who's arms it were. I saw Taehyung nuzzling his face on my shoulder. I blushed and turned around to face him. I felt his breath on my face and the look on his sleeping face was too cute. I wanted to kiss those soft lips. I looked down and saw that he wasn't wearing a shirt. I saw his toned abs in all its glory and I was a blushing mess. I couldn't control it anymore and I kissed him on the lips. Soon he kissed me back with a smirk plastered on his face. He broke the kiss "Morning beautiful" he said with a husky voice.

"Morning!" I said in a cheery voice. he hugged me tighter "I missed you" he said while opening his eyes.

"I missed you too" I said while trying to get out of his grip but he didn't let me so I accepted my defeat and laid next to him again. "Don't go anywhere" he said while closing his eyes again. I just laid against his warm chest.

Suddenly I heard a grunt escape Taehyungs mouth.

"What's wrong?"

"Namjoon asked me to come to his office uugh" he said while sitting up. He walked out of the room without a shirt or pants, just in his underwear.

He shut the door without saying anything. I sat up and got to the shower.

Taehyungs P.O.V.

Why does he need me now, I was just spending time with my love

I knocked on the door and I heard him say enter . I walked inside and saw him sitting on the chair behind the desk. "You weren't able to put anything on?" he said with an eyebrow raised.

I looked down and saw that I was just in my underwear "Sorry alpha"

"don't worry about it now, you know that it is almost full moon right?" he said in a serious tone.


"and you know what that means right?"

"Yeah, the first time that Y/N will shift into a wolf" I said happily.

"you're prepared for that? You know that her personality can change right, are you prepared for that possibility?" he asked

"Yeah don't worry, I trust Y/N and if her mindset will change then I will still love her either way, she and I will get through this alpha" I said full with confidence.

He nodded and told me to go. I left the office and walked upstairs to see Y/N on the bed with wet hair. "You showered?" I asked.


"Without me?" I asked with a smirk. "You pervert" she looked serious. I ran towards her and hugged her "But I'm your pervert and don't forget that" I said while kissing her multiple times.

"The full moon is in two days" I said while breaking the kiss. She looked at me with sad eyes "Yeah I know, will it hurt?" she said while looking down.

"The first time is the worst because your bones never been in such state before, so they all have to break in order to remember how they should be" I explained.

"Will you be with me and help me?" she asked.

"Of course, I'm your mate, I will stay with you until you fully changed into a wolf" I said with a smile. She smiled back but I could feel that she still felt uneasy about it.

We walked downstairs and watched a movie together, she laid with her head on my chest and I could feel her chest going up and down from the breathing. 


I'm sorry that i haven't been posting these few weeks. I've been thinking a lot and this weather doesn't help either

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