19. New Discoveries

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Taejoon's P.O.V:

He's dead.

We both look down in sadness. Suddenly, I hear moaning noises and a hand grips my arm. I look back at hyung, to see him..alive!

"Suho hyung!" I point to Baekhyun. He gasps. Baekhyun pulls out a locket necklace that I've seen before. Oh! It's the couple necklace hyung and Suzy got together and I almost lost it. I take the necklace from his hand.

"One day, connect this puzzle necklace to Suzy's necklace just like what she said and tell her the truth about us, araso? Don't forget to do this..for me. Promise?" He weakly sticks out his pinky as a promise. I link my pinky into his, without hesitating. "I promise." I say, confidently.

"Gomawo, Suho hyung, for being there when I needed you, and gomawo, Taejoon, for finding me, your long lost hyung." Baekhyun gives us one last smile before closing his eyes, and..and..

Suho hyung checks for Baekhyun's pulse by putting two fingers right underneath his chin one last time. He looks back at me teary-eyed. I knew the minute he layed eyes on me that..

He's offically dead.

Tears flow down my cheeks. Suho hyung and I sit in silence, remembering the moments with Baekhyun. He was really nice to me even though I was cold and harsh. He wanted the best for me, his only twin donseng. Guilt came over me.

Mianhae...jeongmal mianhae for being harsh and rude..I promise you..that I will fulfill your promise and mission..and become you for the rest of my life..

"ANDWAE!! Young master Baekhyun!!" An ahjussi in a suit runs over to us. He takes off his glasses to wipe his tears.

A few moments later he gets ahold of himself.

"In case your wondering, Taejoon, I'm your hyung's butler, Tom." He says. He takes out his phone from his jacket pocket to officially state his death.

"Chakaman! Tell them it's Byun Taejoon who died!" I blurt out without thinking. Are you sure Taejoon?? Of course. I have to do it it for my hyung.

"Are you sure Taejoon? Once I tell them that, they might not be able to change it." Tom warns me. I simply nod as a reply while staring at the necklace hyung gave me.

"Well then. Tae-I mean Baekhyun, young master, are you going to the hospital with me?"

Suho's P.O.V:

After the three of us took Baek to the hospital secretly, Taejoon and I head to the EXO members. They are all in Baekhyun's dorm having a sleepover.

Taejoon-I mean Baekhyun and I walk into the room in silence. After noticing us entering, everyone gets quiet.

"Hyung! Finally you're back! Oh, Baekhyun hyung! You're back too! Now tell us what happened." Tao says.

I clear my throat. "I...I..." I don't know where to begin. This is all too much to deal with. I sit on a chair at Chanyeol's desk with a heavy sigh. Taejoon stands awkwardly at the door.

"Suho? Kenchana?" Xiumin hyung and the rest surround me. "You look really pale." Luhan states. I have no choice but to tell everyone and trust that they won't tell anyone about this.

Moments later...

They all stare at Taejoon and I with wide eyes as big as Krungsoo's after telling the whole story.

Tao, the most sensitive one, and Chanyeol, Baek's best friend start to sob first. I look around to see everyone confused and shocked. They don't seem to be believing this. "Stop playing games, hyungs. It's not funny anymore so stop." Sehun says wtih a little uncertainty. "It's real guys. We can even get Baek's butler to tell us." I say.

"You mean Tom? Omo!" Xiumin exclaims. "Bwoh? Hyung what are you talking about?" I ask. Do they know each other? "Tom was like our appa gi. He took care of all 12 of us ever since we were kids. Suho, you were the first out of all of us that met him, how come you don't remember him?!?" Xiumin stands up with rage. Woah, why does he have to get mad? "Chill, hyung." Kris tries to calm him down. I've never  seen Xiumin hyung mad before.

"Yah! Tom was the guy who saved your life you know! How can you not remember the hero who saved you from dying?" Chanyeol and Kris make him sit back down. "Hyung, what are you talking about?" Lay raises his eyebrows. "Hyung. Do you have something to tell us because we're totally confused." Krungsoo agrees. What's going on?

"Hyung. Remember when you went to Incheon? So you visited you grandparents right?" Krungsoo asks me. Of course I know the answer to that. "Uh huh." I nod. "So what?" Everyone sighs in unison. Something's definitely up.

"Okay you know what? Everyone follow me-except for you, Suho. Baek-or Taejoon or whatever, call Tom to meet us outside behind the school." Xiumin leads everyone out the door. Huh. He's a pretty good leader.

Chen's P.O.V:

All 12 of us, including Baek-or Taejoon and Tom sit at the bench and make one last check to see if anyone's around.

"Xiumin Hyung. Tom. What's going on?" I ask. "Well first of all, anyeong kids. Long time no see. I see that Xiumin hasn't told you about Suho's break in Incheon yet. Before you start asking, let me explain." He cuts everyone off from saying the first word of their questions. "You see," He starts. "No I don't see." Tao says dumbfoundly. Kris hits him in the head. "Gege.." Tao whines. "Shut up and let him explain." Kris whispers.

"Ok..so remember how Suho got kidnaapped there by Jessica and her uncle and got threatened to not to let Baekhyun know that Suzy was his special girl?" We all nod. "So, at the time, Baekhyun young master and I discovered Taejoon and he luckily he lived in Incheon for a while before moving to Seoul."

"He told us that he saw Suho being kidnapped. I almost got to call the police but somehow Jessica caught me and told me if I dared to get them in trouble, we would never see Suho ever again. I decided to break in the little basement of a small house they locked him in and saved him. When I found him, he had a head injury, which I assumed was caused by Jessica and her uncle to prevent him from remembering what they did to him."

"OHHH." Everyone except for Baek or Taejoon says. "That explains why Suho hyung went missing for a while." Kai states and nods his head.

"And why he doesn't remember things." I chime.

A/N-Mentioned in Chapter 9

"Oh yeah. What about this..guy?" Sehun points at Taejoon awkwardly sitting between Sehun and Tom.

"Didn't Suho tell you the whole story? He-he didn't officially pass away because Taejoon here, will, play the role of Baekhyun for the rest of his life." Tom takes of his glasses to wipe his tears with a handkerchief from his inner jacket pocket.

"BWOH?? It's true that B-Baekhyun...died?? This can't be happening." Luhan hangs his head down low to hide his tears. After that one sentence, everyone starts to cry silently.

After half an hour of calming down and dealing with when and where Baek's funeral should take place, they all leave to the dorms. I get this chance to call Suzy to meet me here behind the school again.

On the way, questions constantly pop in my mind like popping popcorn. Oooh I'm hungry now..

Should I tell Suzy about Baek? Maybe?. I don't want to hurt her. Why didn't he tell us about his sickness? Why couldn't we find out? Ugh. I wish all my questions can be answered. My stomach flops around and around as I see her coming out of the side door of the school. Should I tell her or not?

"Ah, Chen! So what happened to Baekhyun?" She calls to me when she reaches the bench I'm sitting on. She's takes a seat looking relaxed. Lucky her.

I sit next to her on the bench and put my head on her shoulder. I close my eyes to enjoy the moment. Suzy will never know what happened to Baek. Well hopefully.

A/N-Thanks for reading! I hope you guys aren't too disappointed in Baekhyun's death. X/

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