Snapchats from Ethan

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"Nice to meet you Ethan" I quickly say before he addressed the situation. 

"You too" he smiles awkwardly.

I spent the rest of my time trying to put the pieces together and was relieved when everyone had finished their meal.

Cameron and me gathered our bags and headed upstairs.

"You can stay here my room is right opposite!" Cameron says excitedly, like we were two best friends having a sleep over for the first time.

I got changed into my pyjamas and popped my head into Cameron's room to tell her I was going to get an early night.

As i headed down the hall towards the bathroom, i felt a hand grip my wrist and pull me into a room. My toothbrush immediately going flying out of my hand.

"What the hell you didn't tell me you were coming home with Cam" Ethan whispers at me.

"Are you serious! You didn't happen to mention your sister was bringing home her college friend which just so happened to be me" I snapped.

"Why are you pissed you weren't even going to tell me you were in the area!" He snaps back at me.

We both stop talking and burst out laughing at how ridiculous we were being and how messed up the situation was.

"Well, I'm Avery" I say, holding my hand out while trying not to giggle.

"Ethan" he smirks, excepting my hand shake.

"Well Ethan, if you don't mind I would like to get some sleep before anyone finds out about this little...predicament" I smile.

"Good night" he laughs, closing over his room door.

After brushing my teeth and I climb into the bed and pick up my phone.

Snapchat from Ethan.

Surprised that it wasn't his usual bathroom snap, I couldn't help but admire the lack of effort he put in and how attractive he really is

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Surprised that it wasn't his usual bathroom snap, I couldn't help but admire the lack of effort he put in and how attractive he really is.


I was woken by the sun peaking through the curtains so I got out of bed and headed towards the shower.

Just as I stepped into the shower I hear a notification on my phone.

Snapchat from Ethan

I dried off my hand to allow me to open the message.

I locked my phone and continued to shower

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I locked my phone and continued to shower.

Once I got out and dressed I snap-chatted him back with a selfie in front of the steamy mirror which hid my makeup stained eyes. Telling him that it was me in the shower.

As I opened the bathroom door the cold air hit me and I made my way towards my bedroom, when yet again a hand grabbed my wrist pulling me into a familiar room.

"Ethan" I snapped, trying to whisper. "What are you doing I'm going to get caught".

"No you won't Cameron won't be up for ages" he replies.

I flop against his bedroom wall, relieved but hoping he's right about Cameron not wakening up anytime soon.

Ethan takes a few steps closer to me and although he's younger than me, he's quite intimidating as he hovers over me.

"You're very close to me Ethan" I say, trying to sound confident but I come across nervous.

"You're very nervous Avery" Ethan replies, smugly.

He gets even closer and just stands there staring at me while my back rests uncomfortably against the cold wall.

I look down, breaking the eye contact and when my eyes flicker back up i feel his hand slide around the back of my neck to push my head forward. Bringing my lips onto his.

After softly kissing me I move my hands onto his shoulders, and begin to slide them through his hair.

I think I found a weak spot as his kisses get more forceful and I can feel him starting to use his tongue.

As his hands travel from my neck to my waist I can feel our bodies practically stuck together we are standing that close.

I start to feel something press against me and when I break the kiss to look down to what it is, I notice Ethan beginning to get hard.

"I think that's time out for now" I smirked, looking down at his sweatpants and indicating to him that we got carried away.

"Haha good call" he laughed, opening his door to check if anyone was up as I slipped back Into my room.

My phone vibrated and I looked at the screen, Snapchat from Ethan.

When I opened the Snapchat it was a picture of Ethan's boxers with a very visible outline of his erect dick. "This is your fault" it read.

So I snap-chatted him back: "maybe we should sort that problem out some time"

What the hell am I doing.

Smut next chapter! Ps I also have another Ethan fan fiction called Cameron's assistant it has a lot more chapters than this one but it takes a while to get Into things!
Photo creds to: Paolo Fernandez and Nerea Maloley on Pinterest.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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