Chapter Nine.

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"Are you Harry Edward Styles?" The man who is sitting in front of his with a notebook in his left hand asks, his mouth stays tight as he waits for the angry man's response.

"Yes, sir." Harry huffs tugging at his hands which are handcuffed behind him as he is seated on the cold metal chair, the room was painted all white with no windows, it was quiet almost too quiet for his likings. The only sound heard was the man scribbling down things on his mini notepad, Harry sits patiently as he counts in his head to keep himself calm.

"... And you're twenty-nine? am I correct?" He asks looking up at Harry with furrowed brows.

"Yes, sir." Harry mutters, he turns his head beginning to get impatient and annoyed with all these questions.

"Why the hell am I here again?" Harry snaps, his teeth sinking into the bottom of his lip as he keeps his sight on the white wall behind the old man seated in front of him.

"We are here to talk through your issue, like always" The young man glares over at Harry. Respect for a murder and rapist was not on the man's list today.

"Wha—... Issue? there is no issue. You're the fucking issue right now." Harry growls scooting his chair up closer. His green eyes were dark with a hint of hurt and anger proudly showing. Harry felt hurt that they'd put him in not only anger management but with a one on one therapist four days a week, he didn't want to bring up the past. He didn't want anyone to know about it, the past is the past but he will never forget about her. She will forever be imprinted in his mind, they don't need to know about her, she was his and they only want to brainwash him into thinking otherwise.

The man sat still and calm watching Harry ready to snap any moment.

"Harry, can you tell me more about Hazel." The man speaks up with his glasses hanging down his nose.

Harry instantly looked up to the sound of her name, his blood was boiling at the question. He felt like choking the man in front of him to death. How dare he brings her up without his permission, this was supposed to be a therapy session not a get to know his love of his life session.

"Stop fucking testing me, you know what? take me back to my damn cell." Harry shouts glaring at the calm man in front of him, he simply nods his head scribbling down on the paper as Harry lets out a loud sigh. He gets up grabbing his phone and calling someone that Harry most likely doesn't care about.

"Yes, It's the right time..." The man mumbles through the phone staring back at Harry who is glaring at him.

There was no answers coming out of Harry at all, after three months of therapy with different people he still won't open his mouth so they decided to have one person come that'll definitely make him open his mouth.

"Alright, Styles.. You seem to have a visitor here that wants to talk to you." The man says reaching his hand near the doorknob, Harry only rolls his eyes glaring at the wall beside him and trying to keep no eye contact with the old man. But, as soon as the door opened and revealed the figure behind it Harry only let out a gasp not knowing what to say or how to react, this was too impossible to be true.

"She's alive? What she's alive?" The first words came from Harry's mouth surprised her as well, she was still surprised they allowed her to come and visit him; She only visit to give him answers and that is all.

(A/N: Remember this is a fanfic, I don't think they'd actually let you do this in reality.)

Hazel looked absolutely different, her hair was much longer and looked beautiful and wavy coming down her back, her skin was soft, tan and bare. Her lips were still soft, pink heart-shaped. Her freckles are now proudly showing, She looked healthy and pure, Harry was happy to see her look healthy. He was happy to see how mature she's gotten, she wasn't his babygirl anymore. She was mature and now she's ready to speak her mind instead of biting her tongue like she did the past years.

Hazel looked at the old man who only nodded and let her come inside, he shut the door as Hazel took a seat across the room from where Harry was chained up and seated, she could feel the disgust shivers that she used to get when she was with him in the past.

He was clueless, he almost thought he was looking at an angel but it was only his love that he was yearning for years now.

She on the other hand felt scared but also clueless as well, she was standing in front of a man who nearly killed her yet she's back to show him a piece of her mind.

"I only came here to give you answers, answers that you need to know." Hazel finally speaks, it was like heaven spoke to him. Her voice was more mature and sound angelic.

And the young little girl he saw a week ago was behind her with the same backpack, the answers he's been waiting for months are finally here.

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