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Based off the prompt: what if you had a clock that counted down the moment you met your soulmate, would you want to know?

Kurt Hummel couldn't help but choose his outfit for that day just a little more meticulously then usual, he couldn't help it after all. His clock, which rested on the skin inside of his right wrist, steadily counted down each second. Six hours. I'm meeting him in six hours. Kurt thinks in wonder. He's always been curious about his soulmate, ever since he asked his friends how much time they had until they met theirs. He was always shocked to discover that his clock started with much less time than anybody else. Most people in his school still had years on their clock, hundreds of thousands of hours still remaining, while today, Kurt only had six.

Blaine Anderson was a pretty simple guy, at least that's what he thought of himself as. He was an overachiever, that's for sure, after all, you kind of had to be to be leading his glee club as just a junior member. He kind of had to be, constantly trying to get his parents approval, who lets be honest, tried their best but didn't really try hard enough in his opinion. He looks down at his left wrist, where the clock steadily counts down the minutes. He tries not to look at it too often, but he can't help it if he glances at it more today than any other. After all, after today it will hit zero and stay there.

The slam of his body hitting the locker room reverberates through his bones. Kurt bites back a groan as the lock digs into the skin of his back. It's going to bruise, he can already feel it. Because of course, despite the fact that today is the day he meets his soulmate, the jocks of the school don't give a fuck. They don't care that today Kurt's clock will reach zero, in fact, if they knew, Kurt is sure that they would have sent him to meet his soulmate black and blue. Kurt watches the jocks high five, laughing as they round the corner. He glances at his clock, seeing the seconds steadily ticking down. He glances around the hallways, briefly wondering if his soulmate has been here all along.

Blaine sighs as he sits through yet another lecture. It seems like all his teachers decided to lecture the entire class time, which normally Blaine would make himself pay attention to. However, today, he can't help but let his mind wander. Wander to a blurry face, an unknown name, a mysterious meeting. The halls of Dalton are filled with different boys, and any one of them could be his soulmate. Blaine imagines meetings with his soulmate over and over, each scenario different from the last. The day will be over when he does eventually meet him, he's not ashamed to say he's tried to calculate out where he should be when he meets him. But that's the thing, you never really know where you will meet your soulmate until you do.

Glee club is normally the only place Kurt can go to get away from it all. All the bullying, the taunts, the glares of hatred, he can usually count on glee club being the one place in the school Kurt can go to get away from all that. But this morning, this morning's meeting started off his day terribly. The annual boys vs girls competition, and Kurt was forced to side with the boys again. And when he finally thought that he could contribute to them in a way no one else could, he was cast aside, like he's been so many times before.

"Watch it, fag!" He's shoved unceremoniously to the ground, snapping out of his thoughts as his body connects with the floor harshly. His bag is kicked away, it's contents flying out of the opening and kicked and stepped on by everybody else. People step around him, no one bothering to try and pick him up off the ground. Puck's words spin through his mind. Why don't you go spy on the Garglers, Kurt? It's not like he has anything important to do here after all. Just endure more harassment from the student body. And so Kurt shoulders his bag after gathering his discarded belonging, heading home to change and avoid the rest of the day.

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