In Which Christmas is Interesting

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Based off of multiple different Christmas/winter prompts that I'm combining into one.

Blaine really loved Christmas. He loved decorating the house full of decorations, making the inside look as festive as possible the minute December hit. Kurt tried to keep a strict eye on the decorations, but quickly realized that he had no clue how to control Blaine's obsession and just let him do whatever he wanted within reason. However, that phrase, within reason, had several different meanings.

"Blaine, I told you, we don't need tinsel on every single branch on this tree!" Kurt sighs loudly, pinching his nose in between his thumb and index finger in exasperation. Blaine just turns to look at him, making his annoyingly good puppy dog eyes up at Kurt. He was still holding way too much silver tinsel.

"But Kurt, the tree needs to look amazing. Don't you want the best tree in the entire world? You know you do," Blaine says, moving to put even more tinsel on the tree. Kurt quickly reaches down to stop him.

"Blaine, the tree is perfect as it is, I promise. No more tinsel," Kurt demands, and luckily, Blaine finally gives in. He looks dejected for only a minute, until his face brightens.

"Alright, how do you think candles would look. I think it would be pretty awesome," Blaine smiles. Kurt's stomach immediately drops.

"Blaine, you can't be serious," he slowly says. But Blaine is already frantically looking around, trying to find the best spot for the candles he wants to put on a tree. A Christmas tree. A flammable tree that it seems his logical, reasonable side of his brain has completely forgotten.

"Don't you see, Kurt! It would be so cool. Then we wouldn't need the Christmas lights, and the candles would cast an amazing glow and-- oh! I think I found them!" Blaine moves towards several candles in one of their numerous Christmas boxes, but Kurt quickly darts forward and stops him.

"Blaine, no! I don't care how cool it would look, we do not put candles on our Christmas trees. They are flammable, in case you have forgotten," Kurt scolds. Blaine looks down at the numerous candles in his hand.


"Blaine. No. The tree looks amazing as it is. Now, put the candles down and sit down on that couch and let's cuddle and look at this amazing tree, okay?" Kurt pleads. Blaine sighs, puts down the candles, and Kurt leads them to the couch in front of their tree with a grateful smile.


The one thing Kurt was absolutely in charge of when it came to Christmas holidays was the baking. Blaine could barely boil water, so Kurt gently, and lovingly of course, forbade him from ever trying to cook in their kitchen after he tried pouring water on a grease fire and nearly burnt down the house. And so, Kurt took over the cooking and baking duties. About two weeks before Christmas, he pulls out all the necessary equipment to make multiple holiday treats.

"Blaine, I swear to god, if you eat another bite of popcorn I will murder you in your sleep," Kurt growls, seeing his boyfriend grab another handful of popcorn.

"Kurt, it's good for you though!" Blaine cries as he takes another bite.

"Blaine, seriously, I can't make caramel popcorn balls without popcorn, and that's your favorite treat so if you don't want them, by all means, keep eating the popcorn," Kurt states, turning back to the pot that he currently was making the caramel sauce in. By Blaine's loud sigh, Kurt thinks he made his point. And he smiles wider when Blaine comes up behind him and hugs him, placing his chin against the back of his shoulder as he was just too short to rest it comfortably on top like Kurt can to Blaine.

"I'm sorry. Thank you," Blaine says. Kurt smiles and turns in Blaine's hold.

"I know. But you realize that I can't bake without the things I need, right?" Kurt asks. Blaine nods, and with a smile, Kurt leans in and pecks his lips.

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