One More Night

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A/N: Let's pretend that Camila didn't perform on New Years Eve.

Two years, one week and six days of forgetting a certain pair of emerald eyes go down the drain. Camila convinced herself that she no longer feels anything for the green eyed goddess but after locking gazes with the beauty herself, feelings that she buried deep inside her were suddenly rushing out.

It was easier to say that she was over someone when she hasn't seen her in two years. But now that Lauren Jauregui was standing there, only a few feet apart, Camila's heart couldn't stop beating fast. From an onlooker's point of view, it was as if Camila had just seen a ghost. Her face was deathly pale, she had an expression that was hard to decipher and her knees have all of a sudden jelly. She had to lean onto a nearby chair to keep herself up.

Lauren on the other hand appeared to be nonchalant in Camila's eyes. She stated at Camila right on with no emotion showing. Camila sighed internally. If there was one thing Lauren was good at doing besides singing and mocking Trump, it was concealing her feelings. This was part of the reasons why their short lived romance came to an end.

Camila broke off their staring contest. She focused her attention instead on Matthew, the person she "loves." He was talking animatedly to some guy whose name she didn't even know. Matthew was a nice guy. The British man was a genuinely good person to her and her family. He even managed to get Sofi to be cordial with him. And that was surprising considering Sofi has never liked Camila's love interests.
All except one.

Lauren Jauregui has somehow tamed Sofi. There was even a time when Lauren was the closest person to Sofi.

"Is anything bothering you, love?" Matthew asked putting a hand in the side of Camila's face. "You look kind of pale." His rough hands caressed her cheeks. The coolness of Matthew's touch makes Camila flinch.

"I'm fine, just a little tipsy." Matthew chuckles in response, oblivious to Camila's dismissal.

"You barely drank a glass of wine." Matthew chuckled. "If you feel like going home, I'll get the car." He added with sincere concern playing on his face.

"I'm fine," Camila assured Matthew by giving g his hand a soft squeeze. "This is the first time we've been out together in a while, we should enjoy it," She added, " I'll be in the studio for the next    couple of weeks and you'll be on your book tour." She reminds her, " We won't see each other for two months."

"Yes but I'd rather have alone time with you." Matthew pouted. Camila laughed, Matthews face looked ridiculous. Suddenly she remembered Lauren's cute pout.

From the corner of her eyes, she could see Lauren with Ty. They looked cozy. Ty's arms were wrapped around Lauren, whispering something funny to Lauren. Why else would she be happy.
She remembered when she was the one making the green eyed beauty laugh. It angered her a bit even though she doesn't have the right to be. She needed to leave. She has to.

Before she gets caught longing for Lauren, she turns her attention to Matthew, giving him a short appreciative look then leaning into him for a short sensual kiss.

" I know, I feel the same way, but Roger said this party was good for my publicity." Camila sighed.

Right after that, she could hear her name being faintly called. Camila turned around to see Taylor. "Hey baby C," Taylor greeted, ignoring Matthew's presence. "I'm throwing an impromptu girls night out at my place, do you want to come?"  Camila contemplated. She wanted to leave so she doesn't bump in to Lauren but at the same time she didn't want to leave Matthew on New Year's Eve alone. They wouldn't see each other for another two months.

"I think I'm going to stay for a bit and meet you guys at your house."  She replied.

"I'll see you later, Mila," Taylor smiled and kissed the petite brunette on the cheek before scurrying off to a clump of  supermodels, Hollywood A listers and Grammy winning singers.

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