♥️ 💬 📥
allymiller I'm a crazy goof.. 🙃
anniemiller i know, I have to live you you. 😑m
millertwinner lolz anniemiller allymiller
paulmiller you girls are just crazy ^
allymiller sorry bout it ^^^
jonahwells both my friends are goofs 😱
anniemiller shut up joe-bug
jonahwells I fricking hate that nickname
allymiller lolz
millertwinner copier ^
allymiller sorry millertwinner
millertwinner omg you commented back, I'm in heaven
kianlawley what the heck? but woah
anniemiller ALLy, PM NOWWWW
allymiller okay. 👽
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Fanfiction@kianlawley followed you @kianlawley liked your post @kianlawley commented on your post • ©️Copyright this story was written by @ babykayleee this cover was made by @ daelynncreatez this original cover photo was taken by @ vanessamerrell