chapter 4: trouble

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Just then your trap.

"Hey princess...I'm not gonna hurt you."

The man keep getting closer and closer, you were frighten and just panic. You looked around try to find a weapon but there was nothing. The man was inch away from you.

"Let me touch you princess."

The man said it in a creepy voice.

You have no choice but have to run. You count down when your ready to run.


You try to make a run for it but then it got worse. The Guy grabbed you and pulled you close to him. He squeeze your arm tight. It hurts. You could smell the alcohol in his breath.

(This person is drunk)


"Awww is princess hurt?"

You try to let yourself free from his grip but can't. You feel your arm getting weaker. He strong. You try to push him away but still grabbing your arm.

"don't leave me princess...where just having fun."

The word "having fun" gives you goosebumps.

(I have to call for help.)


He pin you to the wall and grab your both wrist together with one hand and his other hand covering your mouth.

"SHHH! Don't make a sound"

He was about to give you a kiss on your neck but out of nowhere a stranger punch him in his face as the man fall to the ground unconscious. The stranger grab your wrist and dragged you away from the dark alley. You guys were far enough from the dark alley and as the stranger stopped and still grabbing your wrist. You gave that person a Perplexed look.

(why did we stop?)

The person turned around and you couldn't believe your eyes. It was Kim taehyung.

" ok?"

(Wait he saved? But why did he saved me? I thought he hated me?)

You nodded

"Hey that guy is drunk why were you even walking aroumd this late, it dangerous."

You looked down not making a eye contact

(Then why is he walking around at night then huh?)

"I better not see you alone at night."

(So now he care about me?...what wrong with this dude?)

You put your hand in your jacket pocket and felt your phone vibrate. You took it out and it was your dad.


Drunk Dad🍺: WHERE ARE YOU!!!


"Hey what wrong?"

He interrupted.

You put your phone back to your pocket. You can't waste your time standing here you have to go home quick. You walked by him but then he grabbed you by your right wrist.


"What going on?"

Still not making a eye contact.

"Hey! Talk to me!"

Your sleeves was a little bit up as he felt something on your wrist that he haven't felt before. He grab your arm to look close at your wrist and notice the cut.


he rolled your sleeves up but then you push him away and pull your sleeves down. You Start to walking backward.

"Hey what happen to your wrist?!?!"

He start walking forward. You bit your corner lip.


You hesitate for a moment and speak Up.

"My dog scratch me there!..."

You lied and he stopped.

"....y-you finally talk."

"Yes of course I could talk what else!?"

"Ok can I ask.... why don't you hang out with us so much-"

"Look I don't have time for this! You and your "people" are acting like I'm the one to blame for no reason and you! Your just acting like a d***, just wanna know everything. Now I have to go!"

just then you were about walked away but then he grabbed you by your arm rough.

(Damn it hurts again!)

"Listen you are not gonna go anywhere before you answer what I say cause I'm sick of you ignoring me for no s***!"

He said it in angryily

"Let me go!"

You said it in a anger tone



You pulled your arm away and start running away from him. He start chasing but then you lost him. Thank the lord.

You made your way to your house and the light was off.

(I guess my dad is asleep)

You walked up front of the door and open it. You made your way to your room as you open your door and saw your father was standing there pist.

(I am in bigger trouble!!)


Thank you so much for reading this ❤

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