This Unknown Feeling

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The morning light shined through the window and Mikasa's eyes slowly opened up as she began to wake up. She felt drowsy and was in a bit of a daze before realizing that she wasn't in her room. The bed felt softer and the sheets against her skin were not the same as her own. 'Where am I? This isn't my room...I smell tea leaves?' She thought before turning her head over to look around the room. Immediately, Mikasa's eyes widen in bewilderment.

In the corner of the room, Levi was lounging against a chair with a cup of tea in his hand. He held the cup in his own unusual way while he was reading what seemed like some of his paperwork. Mikasa sits up abruptly before flinching in pain. "Oww..." she groans as she remembers her leg injury from the mission. This causes Levi to look up from his paperwork and to look over at her.

" you decided to wake up huh? Took you long enough." Levi mutters with a blank expression before setting his paperwork down. Mikasa glares over at Levi, annoyed by his offhand comment. She was still very much confused as to why he was in the same room as her in the first place.

"What's going on and why are you here?" Mikasa asked, getting straight to the point. Levi scuffs in irritation. "Don't you remember anything? I brought you back inside the walls because you were injured." He says pointing at her leg. "Afterwards, you were rushed into the infirmary but you immediately past out from the drugs given to you." He explains nonchalantly as he takes another sip of his tea.

Mikasa started to remember bits and pieces of that occurrence. Even before than, she started to remember Levi picking her up once again to take her into the infirmary. The way that his muscular arms would hold her securely and how his body felt warm against hers made her heart pound rapidly. Mikasa couldn't help but to blush at such a memory. 'What is wrong with me?! Am I sick or something?!' She thought before realizing that Levi stood up from the chair that he was sitting at. He gently places his tea cup down on the table near by and gazes over at Mikasa. His stern and intense eyes studied Mikasa's face.

"Brat, your face is red...are you burning up or something?" Levi asked as he slowly walks over to her. Mikasa noticed this and her chest immediately tightens with nervousness. She wanted to cover her red face but she noticed that she wasn't wearing her red scarf. 'S-Shit! This is so embarrassing!' Mikasa thought.

"No! I'm perfectly fine! You still never answered my other question by the way!" Mikasa blurts out frantically as she looks away and tries to cover her face with her hand. 'This jerk is making me feel weird...damn it!'

Levi stays silent as he pounders over Mikasa's question and the way that she is acting. He eventually kneels down next to the bed, keeping his gaze on her. Levi himself didn't understand why he was here with Mikasa in the first place. He never really cared enough to go as far as to do something like this for someone else, especially for a cadet. 'Taking her back to the walls myself and watching over her like this...I must be going insane.' He thought before sighing heavily.

"I'm here because you are my responsibility your Captain, I must make sure that your injuries are healed properly so that you can fight as a soldier once again for the scouting regiment." Levi explains with a stoic expression. His eyes though were soft and gentle, almost caring in a way.

Mikasa couldn't help but to look back over at Levi. Their eyes connected immediately and there was an instant spark of chemistry that was new to the both of them. Both of their hearts were pounding out of their chests as well. The silence continued before Mikasa managed to speak up. Her facial expressions were softening up slowly towards Levi. She felt as though he was here with her because he was definitely worried about what happened.

"You can just tell me that you were worried instead of trying to cover it up by saying all that to me, Heichou." Mikasa murmurs with a shy tone in her voice. Levi's eyes widen, stunned by Mikasa's response. 'Me worried? HA as if...' he lies to himself as he continues to stare at Mikasa. He started to notice more of her features now than ever before. The way that her black silky hair would lay against her face, her almond grey eyes were guarded but also sweet and innocent and her lips were a light pink color and they were shaped perfectly. 'Shit what am I doing?!'

"Tch...don't be stupid, Brat..." Levi managed to say before unconsciously placing his hand against Mikasa's forehead. "You must be sick...the real you would have argued with me or would have continued to give me a death glare for all I know." He rambles on. Mikasa's eyes widen with surprise from Levi's sudden gesture. 'He's touching me?!' She thought as she blushes even more. His hands are rough but also very gentle and warm to the touch.

"I-I'm fine honestly!" Mikasa stutters as she turns her head away from Levi's hand. She still couldn't believe that he touched her on her forehead. 'I thought he...always hated me...what's happening?!' Her chaotic thoughts wonder before realizing that Levi stood up and walked over to the night stand. He grabs Mikasa's red scarf that was placed there and walks back over to Mikasa. He quickly wrapped the scarf around her so that half of her face was covered. He groans in annoyance before turning around and crossing his arms.

"If your going to make such a least try to cover it up Brat!" Levi hastily says as he walks over to the table where his paperwork and tea cup is. He quickly picks it up and walks over towards the door. He puts his hand on the door knob and pauses before speaking up again.

"I'll let Jaeger and Arlert know that you are awake the meantime...I'm going to figure out what you'll be doing since you can't fight now." Levi says as he starts to open the door. Mikasa tilted her head slightly. She never even thought about seeing them or if they were okay. She was too busy talking with Levi to noticed such important things.

"That's right! Eren and Armin...they are okay right? They came back safely Captain?" Mikasa asked as her voice rises. Levi turned his head slightly to look at Mikasa one last time. His expression almost seemed sad in a way but he still looked stoic as usual. 'Such eagerness and excitement just for those two huh...Tch." He thought as he turned his head away once again.

"Idiot...they're should worry about yourself for once." Levi groans before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. Mikasa just rolled her eyes as she held her scarf in place to keep her face covered up.

"You're one to talk, Heichou." Mikasa whispers as she starts to remember everything that just happened. Her thoughts were of Levi's face, body language and harsh attitude and it was all for her. Mikasa blushes once again. 'Maybe I am an idiot...for other reasons I don't really understand myself.' She thought as she placed her hand on her chest, feeling her heart pounding out of it.

Levi leaned himself against the door. He immediately covers his face with his hand as if covering something embarrassing. He could feel his face burning, his heart pounding so chaotically and his thoughts of Mikasa weren't going away either. This unknown feeling hasn't disappeared and it was driving him crazy. 'Shit! I don't understand any of this! This isn't good at all...she's a cadet damn it! But my thoughts of her won't go away!' He thought as his mind wondered while he walked away from the room.

Levi made his way to the barracks where Eren and Armin were. They have been worried sick about Mikasa and it doesn't really surprise Levi at all. 'I'll check Jaeger's room first.' He thought as he walked silently towards his room. He stands in front of the door and sighs loudly before knocking on Eren's door.

"Who is it?" Eren asked from inside.

"'s your this damn door." Levi growls in annoyance. He could hear rambling and things being dropped and thrown from inside the room. The door instantly swings open and there he was. Eren's brown hair was a mess but his blue eyes shined so brightly as he stared at the Captain. Behind Eren was of course Armin, who seemed almost terrified to see Levi standing there in front of Eren's room.

"Sir! Is Mikasa okay?! I heard everything that has happened...and I still can't wrap my head around it at all but it doesn't matter now! Can we see her?!" Eren blurts out loudly. Armin just shakes his head and sighs. "Eren, don't be so impatient...we'll see her." Armin says trying to calm Eren's eagerness down.

Levi just groans in irritation. 'Why is he so
loud? How does she deal with him?' He thought before speaking to Eren and Armin once more.

"I came to let you two know that she woke can go visit her now." Levi says sternly before turning around to walk off. Eren and Armin's faces lit up and they immediately left to go see Mikasa. "Thanks Captain!" Eren says in a hurry. Levi sighs heavily as he walks away. 'Why do I feel so irritated?' He pounders over as he heads back to his office.

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