followed back

10 1 3

ayo ladies and gentlemen!!

i have question,,,,

why some people followed you and then after you follow back they will UNFOLLOWED you forever?!!!! i'm not mad that some people unfollowed me, i just feel a LITTLE DISAPPOINTED BECAUSE I THOUGHT THERE IS SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO KNOW MY DAILY LIFE NOR WE'RE MUTUAL BUT HELL NO, I WAS WRONG.

i am really disappointed.
i feel hurt.
i don't care if there's no one who would like to follow me, followers are just a followers and it isn't important to me.

don't follow me if you will end up unfollowed me after i follow you back.

don't make me feel special after you said 'you're welcome :)' and blocked me.

if you don't like me, i will accept it.

bye. this is nonsense.

have a nice day :(

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